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Thanks for more than 1 million pennies

Thanks for more than 1 million pennies

Dear Editor: Thanks to the generosity of North Shore residents, Lions Gate Gogos have reached their goal of collecting one million pennies. In fact, the group is pleased to report that they have actually gathered $10,349.
B.C. shipbuilding based on subsidy

B.C. shipbuilding based on subsidy

Dear Editor: Congratulations to both Elizabeth James for asking the questions in her Feb. 6 column, Hoping for Happy Endings, and to the North Shore News for publishing the article. I look forward to the answers.
Practical nurses have the skills, need the support

Practical nurses have the skills, need the support

Dear Editor: Your Feb. 8 story about layoffs at Inglewood Care Centre does not reflect my views about the value and skills of licensed practical nurses and their evolving scope of nursing practice. The B.C.
Snoop log dropped

Snoop log dropped

THIS week, the federal Conservatives moved in a direction Canadians have yet to see them go - backwards. The government announced it would kill its much-reviled Bill C-30, better known as the Internet surveillance bill.
You said it

You said it

"At what point are we going to draw the line and say: 'Andrew Saxton needs to step up. Our local MLAs need to step up.'" District of North Vancouver Coun.
Not so neighbourly

Not so neighbourly

EXPECT excavators and cranes where there used to be demolished homes and vacant lots along Mountain Highway in the Seylynn neighbourhood.
No free services for municipal taxpayers

No free services for municipal taxpayers

Dear Editor: Tiddly Covians like writer Trevor Lautens, while living in the wealthiest enclave in Canada, decry tax increases (I believe there has not been a property tax increase in West Vancouver for six or seven years) then complain when there are
Cab driver's offer made my day

Cab driver's offer made my day

Dear Editor: A North Shore taxi driver picked me up on Saturday to drop me off at a party. He heard me empty out the contents of my purse and then call a hotel I had been at the day before to locate my lost credit card. (The hotel had it.
WV drives customers away

WV drives customers away

Dear Editor: On Jan. 9, I received a West Vancouver parking ticket for "failing to remove vehicle from the limited zone." The sign, where I was parked on the 1400-block Marine Drive says clearly: Parking 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. - 2 Hours.
Risky business

Risky business

A report from the federal commissioner of the environment this week points out once more the disturbing way Ottawa has failed to address legitimate concerns about B.C.'s pipeline proposals.