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You Said It

You Said It

"They didn't find any money but they found my various medals." West Vancouver veteran Murray Newman discusses the theft of his medals (from a Nov. 6 news story).
Oil slick

Oil slick

On Tuesday afternoon, B.C. Premier Christy Clark and Alberta Premier Alison Redford got down to some serious business of smiling for the cameras. Previously, Clark had famously said that no pipelines would even be considered in B.C.
'Dying mall' no excuse for highrises

'Dying mall' no excuse for highrises

Dear Editor: There has been a lot of back and forth in your paper regarding the Lynn Valley densification process and you have presented balanced opinion. I would like to talk about the constant reference to the "dying mall.
Cracked up

Cracked up

The political circus that is Toronto Mayor Rob Ford delivered another spectacle Tuesday with Ford's admission that, yes, he smoked crack cocaine and no, he doesn't see that as a reason to quit. I've admitted my mistakes, Ford said. I've apologized.
No suggestion of West Van leasing

No suggestion of West Van leasing

Dear Editor: I would like to address some misinformation in your Oct. 23 article on the proposed Grosvenor development for 1300 Marine Drive in West Vancouver. At no time did I suggest that council should lease rather than sell the property.
Disabled have rights too

Disabled have rights too

Dear Editor: Re: Disabled woman stuck in care home, Oct. 27. I read the above mentioned article with interest after a friend who has a disability and lives independently in the community brought it to my attention.
Patrons not saints

Patrons not saints

We have character, just like Ben Stewart! Just sayin' - in case our premier has any other $150,000 jobs in Asia waiting to be filled without notice.
You Said It

You Said It

"It was really unnecessary because obviously the trap was put out for a rat." B.C. Wildlife and Rescue Association spokeswoman Yolanda Brooks laments a rare spotted skunk that was mortally wounded by a snap trap (from a Nov. 1 news story).
Don't sell out our history

Don't sell out our history

Dear Editor: It was with a lot of trepidation that I read the Friday, Oct. 18 front page story, Colliers Unveils NV Waterfront Plan. This plan is an assault on the residents of North Vancouver's recreational property.
Slower speeds on bike routes make sense

Slower speeds on bike routes make sense

Dear Editor: Regarding your Oct.