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Seymour Golf & Country Club's proposal nowhere near par

Seymour Golf & Country Club's proposal nowhere near par

Dear Editor: This proposal by Seymour Golf and Country Club to limit public access has nothing to do with finance, according to Seymour's board of directors, who state that they and Northlands are "healthy financially.
Parking bylaw aids business accessibility

Parking bylaw aids business accessibility

Dear Editor: Your newspaper has recently printed letters, a column and an editorial regarding the District of West Vancouver's Traffic and Parking Bylaw. One letter writer made reference to Section 8.18.
Inquiring Reporter: Will you miss the penny?

Inquiring Reporter: Will you miss the penny?

Truth-finder general

Truth-finder general

AFTER an awkward public brouhaha, B.C. Auditor General John Doyle has finally told the B.C. government where they can put their two-year job extension offer.
DNV's hobbits have little vision

DNV's hobbits have little vision

Dear Editor: District of North Vancouver councillors, can't see out of their own burrows, correction, borough. Coun. Roger Bassam at least got one thing right: "the need for one municipal government on the North Shore.
Lions Gate might be the best hospital in B.C

Lions Gate might be the best hospital in B.C

Dear Editor: Having spent time in Lions Gate Hospital in December and January, I totally disagree with the Jan. 18 letter, More Nurses Would Improve LGH Care.
No sense to leashed dogs in Headwaters

No sense to leashed dogs in Headwaters

Dear Editor: The new regulation stating that dogs must be walked on leash in the trails in Lynn Headwaters is totally unreasonable. At the entrance to the headwaters, in the picnic area, it makes sense.
WV parking signs mislead

WV parking signs mislead

Dear Editor: On Jan. 14 I parked for one hour in the 1400-block of Clyde Avenue, West Vancouver. I was parked in a zone signposted as "two hour parking within 9 a.m.-6 p.m." At approximately 1 p.m.
Edgemont losing neighbourhood feel

Edgemont losing neighbourhood feel

Dear Editor: I write regarding your Jan.
Opinion: Tick[et]ed off

Opinion: Tick[et]ed off

WITH apologies to Gilbert and Sullivan, we imagine that a bylaw officer's lot is not a happy one. The frontline of municipal enforcement requires a thick skin, the patience of Job and the tact of Solomon.