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LETTER: West Vancouver longboarders ignore warnings of danger

Dear Editor: Re: Longboarders Dodge Police SUV, April 16. They are on our street too.How would you like to see two "men," not boys, charging down Sentinel hill right at you.

Dear Editor:

Re: Longboarders Dodge Police SUV, April 16. They are on our street too.How would you like to see two "men," not boys, charging down Sentinel hill right at you. Not just once, over and over again despite our warnings of danger - both to us and to them. There are several side driveways and pullouts to create a hazard, as well as children and dogs. Even garbage cans pose a threat to these riders. Clearly, Sentinel Drive is steep.

The point is they are weaving back and forth. This is their method of control - not together, oh no! - in a basket weave fashion.

These men are "pros."

They know enough to not swear when talked to. They ignore warnings of danger. On the day a head-on happens and someone dies - somehow the driver will be to blame. Now from the North Shore News I hear they have "helmet cams;" in other words, they are planning confrontation.

I fully support the police and the method to stop them.

My recommendation is to up the fine to at least $250 for the first offence. Double it for the second offence and ask all West Vancouver citizens to immediately report - and to follow them (if you can) so the police can catch them.

George Ingham

West Vancouver