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Pipeline record a slick spin job

Pipeline record a slick spin job

Dear Editor: With all due respect to Keith Baldrey, I have to disagree with the characterization of the Houston-based corporation Kinder Morgan as "touting a good safety record" in his recent article, One of These Pipelines is not Like the Other (Jun
Yarn bombs need detonating

Yarn bombs need detonating

Dear Editor: I can't believe the City of North Vancouver has allowed people to deface trees. The only difference between "yarn bombing" and graffiti is that it uses yarn in place of paint. I can hear a few people howling that yarn bombing is art.
Politics on parade met with plaudits of the people

Politics on parade met with plaudits of the people

Dear Editor: I take exception to Brian Wilson's letter, Don't Put Politics on Parade criticizing an NDP candidate's behaviour in the North Shore Canada Day parade (July 8, North Shore News). I marched with our B.C.
Crossing the line

Crossing the line

The recent decision by Fisheries and Oceans Canada to charge West Vancouver property owners with alleged violations of the Fisheries Act will be felt most acutely by the owners themselves, but perhaps the province should also bear some of the departm
Change of mind

Change of mind

The deeply sad story that unfolded in B.C. Supreme Court this week underscores both the seriousness of mental illness and the challenges in managing it.
Don't put politics on parade

Don't put politics on parade

Dear Editor: Every year, I am in the Canada Day Parade, near the front with all the vintage military vehicles. This affords me the opportunity to be part of the event, and then to watch the parade as it reaches its finishing point at Mahon Park.
Lane decision a wrong turn

Lane decision a wrong turn

Dear Editor: The recent decision by the District of North Vancouver Council to abandon the proposed lane changes on East Keith Road between Sutherland and Brooksbank Avenues is more than just a lost opportunity to reduce speeding and collisions and i
Thanks to a stranger

Thanks to a stranger

Dear Editor: To the good lady Samaritan who helped me last week: I am very sorry for ruining your enjoyment of the Canada Day parade in North Vancouver.
You said it

You said it

"I don't think you're going to have a lot of people saying: 'The biggest problem the country is facing is we don't have enough politicians.
Inquiring Reporter: How do you keep your spirits up when the sun doesn't shine?

Inquiring Reporter: How do you keep your spirits up when the sun doesn't shine?

Summer has been teasing us lately with glimpses of blue skies and warm breezes, only to hide the sun with rain clouds and lower the temperature again this week.