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Homes filled with good hearts

Homes filled with good hearts

Dear Editor: There must be fear flooding through the minds of those who have an elderly parent in a care home this week (Coroner Says Home Lied in Senior's Death, Nov. 2, North Shore News).
Sad notes

Sad notes

IT was fitting that the latest chapter in the Kash Heed saga unfolded this week close to Halloween. Every time we think this political story has had a stake driven through its heart, like a vampire, it comes back to life.
SeaBus begets game-night nightmare

SeaBus begets game-night nightmare

Dear Editor: Once again, I'm returning from Vancouver on a Canucks/Lions game night, and once again I'm left standing for nearly an hour at the SeaBus terminal. I cannot fathom why TransLink refuses to add extra sailings on nights like this.
Not just a slumber party

Not just a slumber party

Dear Editor: As shocking as it may sound, Occupy Vancouver protesters do in fact have reasons for what they do. I wonder if this thought even occurs to the authorities looking to end the protests as soon as possible.
Brand-new monster looms over Parkway

Brand-new monster looms over Parkway

Dear Editor: In North Vancouver, we live in quiet suburbia. Or at least we did. Now, there is an elephant in the room. How could this have been allowed to come into our neighborhood? I refer to Cedar Springs - what a dreadful eyesore.
Taxpayer loses in Liberal numbers game

Taxpayer loses in Liberal numbers game

IN terms of sheer magnitude, the monkey business going on with BC Hydro's accounting practices may rank as the most misleading financial dodge ever performed by a B.C. government.
A nasty surprise in store?

A nasty surprise in store?

DEAR EDITOR: To my fellow West Vancouver residents: If you are like me, you chose West Vancouver to be your home because it was different from other communities in the Lower Mainland; it was a place where community was important.
Democracy threatened by apathy, not intrigue

Democracy threatened by apathy, not intrigue

DEAR EDITOR: It seems to me that Mr. Bill Vaughan and Mr. Michael Lewis have missed the target in their rage against the West Vancouver Citizens for Good Government (Stacking the WVCGG Vote, Oct. 26, North Shore News).
Home front

Home front

NO one can read the details of Eldon Mooney's death, reported on today's front page, without being horrified.
Spirit Trail shouldn't mar habitat

Spirit Trail shouldn't mar habitat

Dear Editor: The District of North Vancouver has marked out approximately 40 feet of land along the edge of the Mackay Pond Conservation Park on West First Street to be turned into a part of the Spirit Trail.