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Crowd control

Crowd control

SOME time on Monday, according to the UN, the Earth will see the birth of its seven billionth inhabitant. The news is a cause for concern, as the international body has said, but not a cause for despair.
Do you think it's a good idea to abolish the long-gun registry?

Do you think it's a good idea to abolish the long-gun registry?

Landmark effort

Landmark effort

In no particular order, the most popular stories we write - both ongoing and in terms of readership - are about dogs, bears and trees. So, an editorial on a single tree had to come sooner or later.
Kids casualties of job action

Kids casualties of job action

Dear Editor: I have two children attending elementary school in North Vancouver. I find it appalling that we are two months into the school year, and nothing has been done about the job-action strike the teachers are on.
There weren't that many Rosies in the riveters

There weren't that many Rosies in the riveters

Dear Editor: With regard to the Fall Ball photo on page A16 of the Sept. 25 issue of the North Shore News, the North Vancouver Museum and Archives continues to imply that most shipbuilding employees on the North Shore were women.
Safety catch

Safety catch

TUESDAY marked the beginning of a new chapter for Canadian public safety. For the Conservative Party of Canada, starting a new chapter means ripping out all the previous pages and burning them.
Language evolves to reflect current usage

Language evolves to reflect current usage

Dear Editor: Kate Zimmerman's Oct. 7 column, I'm Taken Back by Bad Grammar Everyday, is very interesting and I have a lot of sympathy with her views on grammar.
Stacking the WVCGG vote

Stacking the WVCGG vote

Dear Editor: In your Oct. 19 North Shore News story, Citizens' Group to Publish WV Slate, you state that West Vancouver Citizens for Good Government claim that all but one of the candidates have submitted to its private interview process.
You said it

You said it

"You must recognize that there is an element in West Vancouver that holds us back, and whoever is on council for the next years is going to have to make some brave and forceful steps to take Ambleside to that next stage.
Illegal sometimes

Illegal sometimes

THIS has been a sad week for two households in the City of North Vancouver. Before long, the city will have in hand an injunction from the B.C. Supreme Court ordering them to leave their homes.