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Insite decision merits MP comment

Insite decision merits MP comment

Dear Editor: Thanks for your excellent Oct. 2 editorial, Strong Constitution, enthusiastically supporting the Supreme Court decision with respect to the safe injection site we know as Insite.
Judge misses mark with comments

Judge misses mark with comments

Dear Editor: With regard to your Oct. 2 story, Vicious Driver Assault Nets Probation, I am writing to voice my dismay with Judge Carol Baird Ellan's final comment while sentencing a 17-year-old youth for assaulting a Coast Mountain bus driver.
Inquiring Reporter

Inquiring Reporter

Blame B.C. Ferries board for Hahn's golden parachute

Blame B.C. Ferries board for Hahn's golden parachute

Dear Editor: Don't blame David Hahn, president and CEO of B.C. Ferries, for obtaining the astronomical payoffs that have disgusted all of us.
The community is the police

The community is the police

Dear Editor: I write in response to Tessa Holloway's Sept. 30 story, Mayors Mull End to RCMP in North Van, and your editorial in the same issue, Show of Force. During my police career, I was in charge of the Vancouver Police Internal Audit Unit.
Bus shelter advertisements sending wrong message

Bus shelter advertisements sending wrong message

Dear Editor: The District of West Vancouver should quite frankly be happy at how nice was Karol Traviss's Sept. 28 letter to the editor, Mini Billboards Invade W. Van.
Currying favour

Currying favour

PREMIER Christy Clark is nothing if not adept at reading public sentiment, so her throne speech announcement of a new stat holiday and her suggestion that the province's courts broadcast the trials of the Stanley Cup rioters are likely to be popular.
Give no quarter to new shelters

Give no quarter to new shelters

Dear Editor: West Vancouver council's decision to allow illuminated commercial billboards to be attached to new bus shelters in Ambleside has created serious planning problems and exposed an important public policy issue (New Bus Shelters Squeeze Foo
Ambitious councillors go home

Ambitious councillors go home

Dear Editor: Before Premier Christy Clark about-faced and quashed the idea of an autumn election, District of North Vancouver Councillor Mike Little confirmed his interest in running for provincial office in North Vancouver-Seymour, and city Coun.
Too many mayors spoil the N. Shore broth

Too many mayors spoil the N. Shore broth

Dear Editor: In less than two months, we will go to the polls to elect our next municipal government. The time has come for a serious, citizen-based discussion about eliminating the multiple bureaucracies operating on the North Shore.