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Put to rights

Put to rights

The march of civil rights has always been uneven, with long passages of frustrating inaction punctuated by small steps and sudden leaps forward.
Park Royal changes will add to Marine Dr. mayhem

Park Royal changes will add to Marine Dr. mayhem

Dear Editor: I am amazed that the mayor and some council members actually agreed with the additional alterations Park Royal wants to make to Marine Drive.
Don't pave over Paradise

Don't pave over Paradise

Dear Editor: A 28,000-square-foot building replacing our iconic Ferry Building with its beautiful surrounding gardens and lawns!? I don't think so! Hasn't anyone ever enjoyed the utter peace and tranquility of the lawn and seats to the west of the fe
Debt wish

Debt wish

FOR many Canadians, watching the United States hurtle toward a financial precipice this week, it's difficult not to feel - in addition to detached horror - just the tiniest bit smug. This is a dangerous emotion.
Bears should go back to blueberries

Bears should go back to blueberries

Dear Editor: I would like to challenge the statement made by Tracey Weldon "We live in bear country, end of story," in her July 13 letter, Learn to Change Behaviours if You Live in Bear Country.
Residents deserve say on smart meter installation

Residents deserve say on smart meter installation

BC Hydro is beginning its roll-out of digital Smart Meters to replace current disk-style hydro meters. Many residents on the North Shore are unaware of the safety concerns and health risks associated with so-called Smart Meters.
Give 'em heck, Jack

Give 'em heck, Jack

Jack Layton's announcement Monday that he is taking "a temporary leave" from the position of Opposition leader in order to concentrate on fighting a new cancer discovered in recent tests did what the recent federal election could not - unite politici
Hydro bill letter typical of HST misinformation

Hydro bill letter typical of HST misinformation

Dear Editor: I wish to correct the misinformation in Wendy Qureshi's July 10 letter, HST on Hydro Bills Adds Up: Before the HST came into effect, BC Hydro applied five per cent GST and seven per cent PST to our hydro bills, but a provincial residenti
Simpler wind needed to dispel HST fog

Simpler wind needed to dispel HST fog

Dear Editor: The best writers are those who write simply about the most complicated topics. The debates around the HST-GST/PST referendum could perhaps use such skills.
We pay the piper

We pay the piper

APRIL is supposed to be the cruelest month, but for local taxpayers, it might just be July.