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Incinerator critic not alone

Incinerator critic not alone

Dear Editor: I have been dismayed by the letters in your paper attacking opponents of waste incineration (Critics Who Trash Waste Incineration Need Filling In, Aug. 10, North Shore News).
Backing off black bears' berries could prove fruitful

Backing off black bears' berries could prove fruitful

Dear Editor: Eight Bears Killed - and Counting (Aug. 19, North Shore News). Soon there will be none. Here's a thought: Stop people from picking wild berries.
Ferries' 'contribution' raises questions

Ferries' 'contribution' raises questions

Dear Editor: The article "B.C. chips in $40M to Seaspan bid" in the July 27 North Shore News was interesting and informative, but one line left me perplexed. B.C.
North Van forests on trail to ruin

North Van forests on trail to ruin

Dear Editor: Monica Craver is not the only citizen in our community concerned about the excess of mountain bike trails and the harm they are doing to the ecology of our local forests (A Different Track, Aug. 14, North Shore News).
Thornthwaite valiant, learned -- and memorable

Thornthwaite valiant, learned -- and memorable

Dear Editor: Columnist Benjamin Alldritt misses the mark, in my opinion, when he states that MLA Jane Thornthwaite's term has been "pretty forgettable" (DNV's Coun. Little Has Big Plans, Aug. 14, North Shore News).
A sad farewell

A sad farewell

This newspaper mourns the death of Jack Layton, leader of the federal New Democratic Party and, like so many Canadians, taken too soon by cancer. He was 61.
In defence of a 'yucky' community

In defence of a 'yucky' community

Dear Editor: Build on our strengths. Who is West Vancouver Chamber of Commerce president Gabrielle Loren to describe Ambleside as "yucky" (AmblesideWhen, Aug.
Cat kicker deserves same

Cat kicker deserves same

Dear Editor: I am absolutely disgusted and outraged by the story on the front page of the North Shore News dated Aug. 17 (Cat Kicked to Death in North Vancouver). First of all, I would like to say how deeply sorry I am to the family of this cat.
Our trash is not someone else's problem

Our trash is not someone else's problem

Dear Editor: I appreciated seeing the letter you published Aug. 10, Critics Who Trash Waste Incineration Need Filling In.
You said it

You said it

"It's been like another appendage for me. That one is really hard to see disappear.