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Concert chatter is disrespectful

Concert chatter is disrespectful

Dear Editor: Congratulations, Harmony Arts Festival! It was a wonderful festival as always, but even more so with the addition of the wine garden, Pacific Arbour Garden Stage and the expanded art market.
Cherish the freedom to protest in peace

Cherish the freedom to protest in peace

Dear Editor: Your Aug. 10 story, Ship Protesters Demand Truth from Military was a great article. What a gift to have the freedom to protest in peace.
Royal pain

Royal pain

THE recent decision by our federal government to restore the Royal title to Canada's navy and air force can easily be seen as a sop to loyal Conservative supporters, and there's no doubt that it is.
You said it

You said it

"I heard stories - soldiers going into people's houses in the middle of the night, taking their brothers from them - that I'll never be able to forget.
WV's heart needs restarting

WV's heart needs restarting

Dear Editor: More, please.
High price

High price

IT'S depressing to watch as community groups walk away in disgust from the so-called public inquiry into the murder of scores of women from Vancouver's Downtown Eastside.
A town divided by folly

A town divided by folly

Dear Editor: Once again, columnist Elizabeth James hits the nail on the head (Swollen Tax Bills Are a Levy on Lethargy, Aug. 3, North Shore News). The incredible duplication of local government services in the Metro region deserves attention.
DNV's Coun. Little has big plans

DNV's Coun. Little has big plans

I always enjoy a good chuckle when people tell me they're not trying to do or say a certain thing while in the same breath doing or saying that very same thing.
Inquiring Reporter: Are residents responsible for the death of bears habituated to garbage?

Inquiring Reporter: Are residents responsible for the death of bears habituated to garbage?

Drivers should peddle bikes, not fees

Drivers should peddle bikes, not fees

Dear Editor: I had to chuckle about letter writer Gerry Wolff's statement "Why we as motorists are penalized to pay for this SkyTrain expansion is beyond my comprehension; we never use the transit system and if we were to, we'd buy a ticket" (Transit