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Inquiring Reporter: Should Canada change its marijuana laws?

Inquiring Reporter: Should Canada change its marijuana laws?

Take the cash

Take the cash

others do
Off the record

Off the record

WHEN the NDP revealed last week the B.C. Liberals' plan to sway ethnic votes in key ridings, many wondered if the cynical plotline would be tied directly to Premier Christy Clark.
Seymour's plan won't help Northlands much

Seymour's plan won't help Northlands much

Dear Editor: I have grave concerns about the proposal currently being advanced by Seymour Golf and Country Club and Northlands Golf Course.
A new way of planetary thinking could start with saying 'no'

A new way of planetary thinking could start with saying 'no'

Dear Editor: Keith Baldrey's Feb. 22 column, Just Saying 'No' Not Always the Best Policy, is one more example of the narrow-minded thinking that is leading us towards the destruction of this planet.
Hats off for new North Van bike lanes

Hats off for new North Van bike lanes

Dear Editor: Hats off to the B.C. government and Cycling BC for funding new bike lanes in North Vancouver. I cycle back and forth between North and West Vancouver frequently.
Speeders turn Capilano Road into race track

Speeders turn Capilano Road into race track

Dear Editor: It is interesting that neither the District of North Vancouver or the RCMP have much of an appetite to deal with speeding traffic. This is a broader problem in the community.
House calls

House calls

Knock, knock. Who's there? It's the federal government. Unfortunately, that line has stuck a number of people as less than funny, after the feds sent workers to the homes of EI claimants to check on them.
Dogs should be welcome

Dogs should be welcome

Dear Editor: As an owner of two dogs, one small and one medium-sized, I am constantly looking for new trails to explore.
Unfair process on assessment

Unfair process on assessment

Dear Editor: We sympathize with Claus Wigg having his assessment increased by 65 per cent in two years and agree to his suggested and fairer assessment process.