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West Van council should adhere to OCP standards

West Van council should adhere to OCP standards

Dear Editor: I am grateful that West Vancouver council rejected the two proposals for towers at the Safeway site.
Access to medical marijuana made worse

Access to medical marijuana made worse

Dear Editor: As a director for Re-Leaf Dispensary, I can say our society and our patients were deeply disappointed by the District of North Vancouver's knee-jerk reaction to outright ban medicinal dispensaries in their boundaries.
City left holding the bag on Low Level Rd. risk

City left holding the bag on Low Level Rd. risk

Dear Editor: Regarding the City of North Vancouver's recent rejection of the proposed Low Level Road upgrade: I work on the North Vancouver waterfront.
Grateful for chemo dept

Grateful for chemo dept

Dear Editor: I don't agree with what Arlene S. King said in her July 3 letter, Brighten Up Chemo Department, about the chemotherapy department at Lions Gate Hospital.
Make them pay for rioting

Make them pay for rioting

Dear Editor: Vancouver's image was slimed by the riot and the rioters. Now the police are into a lengthy and costly investigation process, to be followed by an even lengthier and costlier judicial process.
War and peace

War and peace

CANADA'S war in Afghanistan - the "armed conflict" that no politician or general wanted to label a war - came to an end Tuesday with the transfer of battle command to U.S. units at Ma'sum Ghar.
Give TransLink feedback on evening service cuts

Give TransLink feedback on evening service cuts

Dear Editor: I just found out that TransLink is reducing 246 Highland bus service after 7 p.m. to once an hour as of June 20.
Royal flush

Royal flush

TRY as you might to ignore it, the coming week is going to be wall-to-wall William and Kate. Not since Paul Revere galloped through Massachusetts have so many gotten so worked up over the arrival of some British people.
Victims face offenders in North Vancouver justice program

Victims face offenders in North Vancouver justice program

Caught for covering a North Vancouver high school in graffiti with his friends four years ago, Vicky Crompton's teenage son took responsibility for his crime within the justice system but without ever setting foot in a traditional courtroom.
Transit to N. Shore doesn't compare

Transit to N. Shore doesn't compare

Dear Editor: I just finished reading your June 22 bus service story and I just wanted to let you know that the 246 Highland bus has changed routing, but has also reduced its service to hourly after 7 p.m.