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L'état c'est moi

L'état c'est moi

AFTER the number of election campaigns Stephen Harper has been through, you would think he understood that the people of Canada are his boss, not the other way around.
you said it

you said it

"You're looking at a minimum of three hours before you're even back on the road.
CFIB only tells half the story

CFIB only tells half the story

Dear Editor: I wish to respond to the recent articles regarding the Canadian Federation of Independent Business's B.C. Municipal Spending Watch report.
Bring on the auditor general

Bring on the auditor general

Dear Editor: I am very much in favour of a municipal auditor general.
Byelections could give Liberals a boost

Byelections could give Liberals a boost

THE next provincial election is supposedly not until May 2013, but we will have two critical byelections before then - and there could be more. Two B.C.
20 more years

20 more years

ON Thursday, both the federal government and the province stepped back from the edge of the precipice and proceeded to shake hands on a new RCMP deal. That the two sides waited until Nov.
West Van not pedestrian-friendly

West Van not pedestrian-friendly

Dear Editor: I get so mad when I read about the "country lane character" of West Vancouver streets in Tom Bunting's Nov. 16 letter, No I Don't Want Fries With That Shelter.
City librarians stand vigilant for bed bugs

City librarians stand vigilant for bed bugs

Dear Editor: I am writing to clarify further the quotation attributed to me in a Nov. 9 story in the North Shore News headlined, No Bed Bugs in N. Shore Books.
Let's all get along out there

Let's all get along out there

Dear Editor: As a commuter who heads to work via car and rides a bike home from downtown everyday, I get a unique perspective on the good, the bad and the ugly of the daily antics of some in the local bike commuter community.
Waiting for Taylor Way alternate

Waiting for Taylor Way alternate

Dear Editor: Fifty years ago, Third Street in the Cedardale area of West Vancouver was designated to be an approach to the Lions Gate Bridge.