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Sunshine in the Okanagan

Sunshine in the Okanagan

AFTER weeks of Vancouver's spongy, puddly summer, the sight of a few cumulus clouds smudged through blue sky over Lake Okanagan hardly merits a second look. Except to marvel at how they are reflected in the sparkling water.

Young Artist of the week

Art teacher: Teresa Anton-Marlowe Favourite art: Acrylic painting Favourite artist: Alex Gray Her teacher writes: Avesta is a talented young artist who loves to incorporate vivid colours in her compositions. Her latest work is bold and graphic.


Rethinking outdoor cooking

Teach children to become safe pedestrians

REGULAR readers of my columns will know that I fully support and endorse children walking - walking to school, to the park, to their friend's house or to the corner store. Walking places is much more than regular exercise.

You say tomato, and . .

IF you grow your own tomatoes, you know the pleasure of plucking a warm, red globe off the vine, sprinkling it with sea salt and relishing it then and there with the juice running down your arm.

Elders council reaches out

B.C. Parks is celebrating an important milestone this year and North Shore residents are encouraged to get in on the fun. In honour of the park system's 100th anniversary, representatives of the Elders Council for Parks in B.C.

B.C. boards the new blush bandwagon

CONSIDERING that only a few years back it just wasn't considered cool to "drink pink," rosé's rise in popularity has been swift, to say the least.

Risk doesn't retire with you

A friend sold his business for $1 million when he was 40. That was 30 years ago and he hasn't worked since then. Well, that's not exactly true.

All roads lead to art

Winston Elliott didn't intend to become an artist

Community bulletin board

Edgemont Village Show and Shine: Car enthusiasts are invited to this annual event this Sunday, July 17, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. throughout Edgemont Village, North Vancouver.