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Winning the war on weeds

RALPH Waldo Emerson wrote in 1878: "What is a weed? A plant whose virtues have not yet been discovered."

Tips for babyproofing the home successfully

ONE day my husband John and I looked around our living room in wonder. We had been away for a few days, and as often happens when you've been away, we saw our home with new eyes. And what did we see? Well, a sort of emptiness.

A-list lines up for Pinkberry

I think we've known each other long enough now that I can tell you about my guilty pleasure. I like gossip magazines.

Get baking with blueberries

DELICIOUS, lowcalorie and healthy . . . there just aren't enough foods that are all three. Blueberries are tiny nutritional powerhouses, bursting with antioxidants. They're one of the few fruits that are native to North America, and our local B.C.

Prize Home blends old and new world luxury

THE lucky winner of this year's PNE Prize Home will have a new residence in Kelowna, and Kelowna will be the luckily recipient of some spectacular North Shore design.

Google+ an elegant fit online

WHEN I was a kid, my dad had this beautiful separation in his life

Find ways to stay active

It can be a challenge to keep up a healthy lifestyle during the summer months

NV seniors population to double by year 2027

More services needed to handle growth

Man's best friend

- The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Dog Breeds, by Joan Palmer, Chartwell Books, 256 pages, $14.95 Dog lovers will enjoy the wealth of information on the various breeds of man's best friend that author Joan Palmer has gathered.

Releasing your anxiety

Human's name: Sydney MacLean Pet: Teddy bear hamster Bubbles Favourite treat: Chip-Its and veggies Favourite activity: Snacking Pet tale: Bubbles' favourite colours are blue and purple.