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What's going on for seniors

NOTICES Seniors Gathering: A free drop-in program for an informal get together and chat from 10 to 11: 30 a.m. on the second Tuesday of every month at the North Vancouver City Library, 120 West 14th St.

West Vancouver woman sharpens her skills

WHITE crane spreads its wings. Repulse the monkey. Embrace the tiger. Sound unfamiliar? Not to Bernice Moir. She's been practising tai chi for 12 years now.

Big or small: greeting the right way

LIKE most owners of large dogs I have had my share of little dog encounters. It usually starts with the little dog overreacting to the large dog's approach by charging, barking, snapping and sometimes attempting to bite the large dog.
Mitsubishi's secret ninja

Mitsubishi's secret ninja

Your north shore guide to fashion & style

Park Royal Shopping Centre presented an exclusive evening of fashion with hosts Fiona Forbes and Michael Eckford of Urban Rush at the south mall's upper level Sept. 20.

Salomon store is first of its kind

VANCOUVER may be the third worst-dressed city in the world (if you believe the Internet buzz), but there's one international brand that thinks we're No. 1 when it comes to its apparel and accessories.
PHOTOS: Park Royal Fashion Show

PHOTOS: Park Royal Fashion Show

Hawksworth worth waiting for

Hawksworth worth waiting for

ALTHOUGH we have fared better than most, the Rube Goldberg machine that continues to take down the world's most powerful economies wreaked some havoc here too.

Green guide

Nourish Your Community: Too much fruit on your trees? If you have a hard time eating all of your fruit, don't let it go to waste. Donate it.

Creative place settings will impress guests

SET a pretty table this month with some creative ideas. Flowers in the center of the table are always lovely but sometimes setting a dining table for a special occasion requires a little panache.