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Choose inspiring plants

SOME people build gardens to develop outdoor living space, some build to create beauty for the eye and soul, and others build gardens to grow plants they love.

Food Calendar

Healthy Chef Competition: Ten culinary establishments from established restaurants and hotels to culinary schools will present entrées and desserts to judges Wednesday, March 7, 6: 30 p.m.-10 p.m. at the Hyatt Regency, 665 Burrard St., Vancouver.

Get gross and gooey at Cap U

FOR children who feel compelled to touch every oozing, slithering, slimy, filthy, funky bit of grit or grime they can track onto white furniture, Capilano University is offering the Gross and Gooey Spring Break camp.

Camp memories lasting

IMAGINE a group of your friends sitting around a campfire on a beach somewhere. If any of them attended summer camp as a child I can guarantee you that they will find themselves thinking about their old camp songs.
Bird sounds signal spring's start

Bird sounds signal spring's start

SIGNS of spring are all around. Anna's Hummingbirds are nesting, snow drops are putting on a dazzling display, and there's a definite dawn chorus each morning of singing birds.

Everything's better with bacon

MMM . . . bacon. Salty, crispy, smoky little pieces of heaven. Show me a person who doesn't like bacon and I'll show you . . . well, a very weird person.

Eldercollege and Suzuki Elders partner for series

REPRESENTATIVES of the Suzuki Elders are gearing up to present a series of six weekly lectures on environmental issues to participants of Eldercollege at Capilano University, March 6 to April 10.

Dog discipline, not abuse, is required

DISCIPLINE seems to be a four-letter word in some avenues of dog training. To some people, the idea of disciplining a dog conjures up images of a dog being hit, inappropriate use of a choke collar or other abusive or punitive methods to train a dog.

Stepping stone

SARAH Jamieson just can't help herself. The 33-year-old North Vancouver movement and performance coach has an unquenchable desire to give back. Also, she continues to challenge herself, raising the bar and pushing herself further and further.

Fresh Tap means fresh wines

WHEN it comes to offering wines by the glass, Vancouver has long been at the cutting edge. In fact, few other cities can boast the selection available here; it's turned us into a pretty choosy bunch.