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Donation keeps lessons afloat

ALL kids should have the opportunity to run, kick, skate and swim, North Vancouver non-profit Athletics for Kids believes. Now a $5,000 donation from Neptune Terminals will help get more kids into the pool.

Keeping athletes afloat

FOR many athletes, the difference between being good and great can be measured in millimetres or milliseconds.

Pet pause

Human's name: Joseph Goth Pet: Beta is a six-year-old German shepherd. Favourite activity: Beta loves to play fetch in Princess Park with Goth. If you would like to appear in Pet Pause with your pet, please send information to [email protected].

It's possible to break a sweat without breaking the bank

GETTING into shape can seem like a huge commitment - both with your time, and with your wallet. A gym membership, proper gear and fancy equipment can seem like a huge investment, especially when you're just getting started.

Driver rules should be based on ability, not age

MY last column on senior drivers prompted a flood of calls to our office

Moving house: big changes for everybody

I have moved so many times in my life I've lost count. The biggest distance was my move from my hometown of Niagara-on-the-Lake in southern Ontario to the West Coast, but the largest move is the one I just finished going through.

What's going on for seniors

Watercolour Painting: All levels are welcome to learn watercolour techniques, Fridays, 10 a.m.noon at Silver Harbour Centre, 144 East 22nd St., North Vancouver. Fee: $18 per season. Info: 604-980-2474 or

And the winners are

THIS week's announcement of the winners of the Lieutenant Governor's Awards for Excellence in British Columbia Wines marks ten years since the competition's inception.
Primp and polish like a celeb

Primp and polish like a celeb

I'VE had my nails Shellac'ed, my hair blown out and my lashes extended. I've been primped, polished and pampered like a Hollywood celebrity.
Mazda's power puncher

Mazda's power puncher