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In the Community

Holiday happenings

Christmas Countdown - Holiday Entertaining Made Easy: Learn tips, tricks and tools from the experts at Beachside Forno and Liberty Wines Tuesday, Nov. 29, 6: 30 p.m. at Beachside Forno restaurant, 1362 Marine Dr., West Vancouver.
Photos: News Around the World - Nov. 27, 2011

Photos: News Around the World - Nov. 27, 2011

Community Bulletin Board

Circle Dance: Participate in traditional and contemporary folk dances to music from many cultures Wednesday, Nov. 30, 7-9 p.m. at the Silk Purse Arts Centre, 1570 Argyle Ave., West Vancouver. No experience necessary. Info: 604-986-3395.

Great stuff

Jewelry artists Emma Guardamagna (left) and Michele Pritchard show their wares at West Van's Ferry Building Gallery. The annual Great Stuff gift show runs to Dec. 17. Hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Community supports family

FIVE years ago, Caleb Macey was diagnosed with cancer. His mother, Colleen, said that she had heard another oncology parent say, "You never get past your kid having cancer. You just get through it.


At this time of year as we prepare to celebrate the joy and comfort of our family and friends, it's a fitting time to consider those right here in our own community - who may not have the support that many of us often take for granted.

Young artist of the week

HAZEL WONG, 17, SUTHERLAND SECONDARY Art teacher: Dorothy Foster Favourite art: landscape and portraiture Favourite artist: Johannes Vermeer Her teacher writes: Hazel is a very talented art student with a keen eye for detail.

community bulletin board

Canadian Federation of University Women - West Vancouver: The CFUW is a national organization committed to promoting education, improving women's status and human rights as well as offering fellowship and professional contacts.

Young artist of the week

JACKIE MANG, 7, CAPILANO ELEMENTARY Art teacher: Colette Doan Favourite art: drawing Favourite artist: Vincent van Gogh Her teacher writes: For a seven-year-old, Jackie has an extraordinary artistic eye.

Community bulletin board

Operation Christmas Child Shoe Boxes will be available until Nov. 18 at North Shore Alliance Church, 201 East 23rd St., North Vancouver. Pack a shoe box and make a difference to a child living in desperate circumstances. Info: www.samaritanspurse.