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You said it

You said it

"We're hoping in a week or maybe one month later she might (walk). It's a 10 per cent hope, but 10 per cent is good enough for me to take care of her.
Cries mount for court system improvement

Cries mount for court system improvement

GRAHAM James. Anyone in the land who doesn't know who James is? Now try this. Catherine Carlson.
Over due

Over due

THE optics were bad, and our headline underscored them. But the issues surrounding the pay hike that West Vancouver council voted itself Monday evening are anything but black and white.
Share your vision on the future of the city

Share your vision on the future of the city

Dear Editor: Shaping a great city is like creating a sculpture. You need a vision and a well-thought out working plan. And there are times when you need to pause, step back and reassess, to make sure you're still on track to achieving your vision.
Make TransLink levies optional too

Make TransLink levies optional too

Dear Editor: After Adrian Dix made the mistake of riding the SkyTrain without a pass in his pocket - I will resist the urge to ask why he just didn't forge one - it has come to light that 50,000 tickets at $173 each have been issued worth more than $
Inquiring Reporter

Inquiring Reporter

Exit stage right

Exit stage right

FIRST there were the quiet departures: Iain Black and Barry Penner, both talented MLAs, gracefully bowed out of the B.C. Liberal government last year to accept jobs in the private sector.
Literacy centres work well in NV school district

Literacy centres work well in NV school district

Dear Editor: Kudos to Jane Seyd for reporting on Jeff and Rick Moore's Supreme Court case on the school district's response to dyslexia (Dyslexia Case Goes to Supreme, Wednesday, March 21, North Shore News).
WV parking tickets in the absence of signs unwelcoming

WV parking tickets in the absence of signs unwelcoming

Dear Editor: I thought readers might be interested in sharing with your readers what goes on when visitors come to West Vancouver and how disrespectfully visitors and guests are treated.
Striking out

Striking out

A century ago, workers who decided to strike were risking arrest, imprisonment and violent confrontations in the streets.