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Head first

Head first

The level of sanctioned violence that ought to be permitted in hockey is a polarizing debate.
Ask the right meter questions

Ask the right meter questions

Dear Editor: Benjamin Alldritt's Jan. 15 column, Meter Opposition is Not So Smart, tried to dismiss public concerns about smart meters as "asking the wrong questions.
WV's budget work is impressive

WV's budget work is impressive

Dear Editor: The District of West Vancouver's Chief Financial Officer, Nina Leemhuis, presented the draft 2012 Budget Book and collateral to Council and the public at the Finance Committee meeting Friday morning, January 20.
Thinning the herd

Thinning the herd

NOTHING says winter has finally descended on the North Shore like the icy blast of weather that arrived last week and some foolish decisions in the North Shore mountains.
Expect excited dogs at Ambleside dog walk

Expect excited dogs at Ambleside dog walk

Dear Editor: The lady with the dark-coloured young Lab really didn't have to disappear so quickly after her dog knocked Betty O'Keefe down, breaking her leg. Nobody thought of suing her or even saying an unkind word to the animal.
Thanks for doing the right thing

Thanks for doing the right thing

Dear Editor: To the person who turned in my lost wallet at Capilano Mall's food court complete with the five dollar bill the day before New Years Day. All I can say is thank you, thank you.
Commit to a task force

Commit to a task force

Dear Editor: If there is to be a new stand-alone community in the City of North Vancouver will it be shaped by the ones who profit or by the ones who will have to foot the bill to make it work? On July 18, 2011 the City of North Vancouver's council v
DNV's lines of communication cloudy

DNV's lines of communication cloudy

Open letter to District of North Vancouver mayor and Council: I find it strange that all of council expressed concern about the low voter turnout in the recent municipal election, but the actions of this council over the past few years has been getti
Musicians paid for community building

Musicians paid for community building

Dear Editor: Since the Jan. 11 letter to the editor, City's Concert Budget Excessive, was an "open letter to the City of North Vancouver mayor and council" and I am a resident of North Vancouver and mentioned in the letter I feel obliged to respond.
Smoke out

Smoke out

NATIONAL Non-Smoking Week may not be a name on everyone's lips, but then neither are cigarettes. That's reason to celebrate.