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Open the tap

Open the tap

BRITISH Columbia's outdated liquor laws exemplify the worst of nanny-state government. They remain focused on control of sales rather than convenience to the tax-paying customer.
Awe inspiring or just awful, that's humanity

Awe inspiring or just awful, that's humanity

OF the Little Things we have plenty; just listen to the recitation of Saturday night carnage on Sunday morning radio. The Big Questions remain.
Inquiring Reporter: Did you make a New Year's resolution?

Inquiring Reporter: Did you make a New Year's resolution?

Zero sum

Zero sum

FOR the third year in a row, West Vancouver has chosen not to raise municipal tax bills by even one per cent, touting the move as prudent fiscal management.
Niqab ruling compromises justice

Niqab ruling compromises justice

Dear Editor: Just a quick note in reaction to your Dec. 26 Viewpoint, Unveiling Justice.
Harvest Project thanks community

Harvest Project thanks community

Dear Editor: From Harvest Project to the entire North Shore community: Thank you for your caring, your creativity and your generosity throughout 2012.
Netherlands SeaBus is cross-border shopping

Netherlands SeaBus is cross-border shopping

Dear Editor: Regarding your Dec. 28 story, Union Condemns SeaBus Contract: There's clearly a double standard at work here. Thousands of Metro Vancouver residents do their shopping in the United States every day to save money.
Hydro infrastructure failing

Hydro infrastructure failing

Dear Editor: On Christmas morning we awoke to find the house in total darkness and freezing cold. A guest arrived for breakfast expecting to be served our famous eggs benny. Instead, the best we could offer was cold fruit, cereal and muffins.
More than one way to apply a TReO toll - but check

More than one way to apply a TReO toll - but check

Dear Editor: Regarding Lynda Goch's Dec. 26 letter to the editor, Port Mann Toll Grab Grinchy: When TI Corp learned of Lynda Goch's situation last week we immediately contacted her to apologize and correct the mistake.
NV councils should partner on 'amazing' new rec centre

NV councils should partner on 'amazing' new rec centre

Dear Editor: Local politicians are taking several steps backwards. It simply is not logical for the District of North Vancouver to say "no" to helping with funding for the Harry Jerome Community Centre.