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Creating community spirit is self-interest

Creating community spirit is self-interest

Dear Editor: I would like to congratulate a remarkable group of individuals, associations and local merchants in Lynn Valley who worked alongside the Lynn Valley Community Association to create "Lynn Valley Christmas.
You said it

You said it

"If you can crack this thing, they're going to get everything about us." Privacy watchdog Vince Gogolek raises the alarm about the potential ramifications of a new medical ID card being introduced by the province that will incorporate the B.C.
No gun means no trigger to pull

No gun means no trigger to pull

Dear Editor: Mr. Leo Vanderbyl's reasoning in connection with the killings in Connecticut in his Dec. 28 letter to the editor, SSRIs Can Make Kids Killers, is far-fetched.
'Out-of-bounders' need to grow up

'Out-of-bounders' need to grow up

An open letter to "Out-of-bounders": Whether you ski, snowboard or snowshoe, I have a question to ask those of you who choose to go out-of-bounds.
SeaBus decision exposes hollow 'Jobs Plan'

SeaBus decision exposes hollow 'Jobs Plan'

Dear Editor: The construction of a new SeaBus any place outside B.C. underscores one simple point: that the B.C. Liberals' talk of a "Jobs Plan" is just that - talk.
We'd like to see out of the new SeaBus

We'd like to see out of the new SeaBus

Dear Editor: As one who believes that supporting the local economy in every way possible is a patriotic duty, I am aghast at the letting of the contract for a new SeaBus to a foreign contractor.
Inquiring Reporter: Given the lockout, will you watch the Canucks this season?

Inquiring Reporter: Given the lockout, will you watch the Canucks this season?

Mob protest makes no point

Mob protest makes no point

Dear Editor: This was bullying on an epic scale: On Dec. 23, the south mall of Park Royal Shopping Centre was closed down by a terrifying mob of natives waving banners. The drumming was so loud it was deafening.
High on the agenda

High on the agenda

FRANKLY, we agree with Lynn Valley resident Connie Fay. The proposed highrises in the town centre look "like the Olympic Village stuck in Lynn Valley.
Road rager sentence totally out of proportion

Road rager sentence totally out of proportion

Dear Editor: Once again I am astounded at the wrist slapping sentences that continue to be handed down in our courts (Road Rage Bat Wielder Avoids Jail, North Shore News, Jan. 2).