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Simpler wind needed to dispel HST fog

Simpler wind needed to dispel HST fog

Dear Editor: The best writers are those who write simply about the most complicated topics. The debates around the HST-GST/PST referendum could perhaps use such skills.
We pay the piper

We pay the piper

APRIL is supposed to be the cruelest month, but for local taxpayers, it might just be July.
Smart (for whom?) meters

Smart (for whom?) meters

Dear Editor: Many people, including politicians, were surprised that BC Hydro would launch a $1-billion program to retrofit all the electricity meters in the province in a one-year time frame.
Maybe strap some pillows on as well

Maybe strap some pillows on as well

Dear Editor: With the prospect of increased traffic and congestion on Lonsdale Avenue looming every hour and every day, I thought a proposal might be useful. But first some background.
We don't want 'world class'

We don't want 'world class'

Dear Editor: Just read the cri due coeur letter from Sharon Harsford, Ambleside Inertia is Deadly (North Shore News, July 17).
You said it

You said it

"The main home is only 21,000 square feet. You can build up to 70,000. You could build a Gates home on there, really.
Falcon frets over B.C.'s economic growth

Falcon frets over B.C.'s economic growth

FINANCE Minister Kevin Falcon seems to have suddenly become very nervous.
Crime lapse

Crime lapse

Crime is dropping in Canada, and if the government would listen, it could save us a lot of money.
Belay the other pension, Captain Hahn

Belay the other pension, Captain Hahn

DAVID Hahn has a handsome salary, a fabulous pension, and plummeting respect on Main Street and possibly asea. For the next two years B.C.
Fish fry

Fish fry

WHATEVER happened to those stencilled yellow salmon that used to be a much greater part of the North Shore landscape? Perhaps the proliferation of the salmon silhouettes on our curbs tended to dull our notice of them, but we still believe they make c