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We chose not to live near Metrotown

Dear Editor: My wife and I chose to live, and raise our family, in Lynn Valley because of the relative easy access to amenities and, more importantly, to live within the unique natural surroundings offered by the North Shore mountains.

Dear Editor:

My wife and I chose to live, and raise our family, in Lynn Valley because of the relative easy access to amenities and, more importantly, to live within the unique natural surroundings offered by the North Shore mountains. We feel somewhat at arm's length from the hectic lifestyles often associated with higher-density-living in many surrounding areas. Currently, our Lynn Valley neighbourhood is characterized as quiet, with good neighbours and spectacular views of the local mountains, with easy access to green spaces, hiking and biking trails to work and other amenities. I believe most people who live in Lynn Valley, or other areas of the North Shore, do so for similar reasons.

I was shocked when I viewed the proposed Lynn Valley Community Plan this past summer. I am even more shocked as I have recently learned of other proposals or projects already underway on the North Shore. How could our elected representatives and community planners be so naive and easily persuaded by development companies?

We need to keep focused on our community goals and objectives. Community objectives should include maintaining, improving and revitalizing services to meet changing and growing community needs. We need affordable housing for new and young families, as well as older residents. We need amenable services for everyone living in the community. And we need sustainable sources of funding. There must be other options besides going forward with mega development projects, and without the support from the Lynn Valley community.

Lynn Valley residents do not want three apartment towers and higher densities blocking mountain views and placing even more demands on already oversubscribed community streets and services.

I can't imagine why elected officials and community planners support large developments such as those proposed for Lynn Valley and other areas on the North Shore, when most North Shore residents oppose it. Large development companies have teams of experts whose sole job is to persuade elected representatives and community planners into supporting their projects. If we wanted to live near Metrotown we would have bought a house to raise our family near Metrotown. Please wake up!

Keith Forrest North Vancouver