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SOGI policies divide voters ahead of provincial elections, survey reveals

SOGI policies divide voters ahead of provincial elections, survey reveals

Sexual education leaving sparks controversy ahead of New Brunswick, Saskatchewan, and B.C. elections
Baldrey: More B.C. NDP MLAs not seeking re-election. How will this fare for Eby?

Baldrey: More B.C. NDP MLAs not seeking re-election. How will this fare for Eby?

Will it be worth David Eby's time to replace the departing ministers before the 2024 provincial election, asks columnist Keith Baldrey.
Rob Shaw: Brits offer glimpse into what B.C. election nights should look like

Rob Shaw: Brits offer glimpse into what B.C. election nights should look like

U.K. elections offer authenticity, while B.C. has dehumanized its own process
David Sovka: How to pick a career, or why what you love to do is not an actual job

David Sovka: How to pick a career, or why what you love to do is not an actual job

Your passions are probably not relevant to your job search unless you’re really into accounting or industrial vacuuming
Trevor Hancock: The economy should serve well-being, planet health, not dominate them

Trevor Hancock: The economy should serve well-being, planet health, not dominate them

The economy is not a natural phenomenon, it is a human construct, so if it doesn’t work for us we should change it
Letter: Cypress Village is good news for West Vancouver

Letter: Cypress Village is good news for West Vancouver

We need to grow out tax base and bring business up the mountain
Adrian Raeside cartoon: Looking for ways to stay cool

Adrian Raeside cartoon: Looking for ways to stay cool

Opinion: Churches don't pay taxes. Should they?

Opinion: Churches don't pay taxes. Should they?

Critics argue that church tax exemptions represent millions in lost government revenue. However, others say that churches can and should use their funds to support local communities.
Opinion: Trudeau, Biden both endangering their parties by overstaying their welcome

Opinion: Trudeau, Biden both endangering their parties by overstaying their welcome

Leaders have gone beyond their best-before dates
Rob Shaw: Ministers' last-minute exodus unlikely to hurt BC NDP fortunes

Rob Shaw: Ministers' last-minute exodus unlikely to hurt BC NDP fortunes

Retirement trend among senior BC NDP leaders opens the door to new faces ahead crucial electoral period