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Bee's knees

Can you imagine life without honey?

Opening of sled dog trial draws protest

A group of protesters gathered outside North Vancouver provincial court Tuesday morning, saying they want to make sure the Whistler sled dogs aren't forgotten when the man accused of killing them inhumanely goes to court.

Players cry foul over turf plan

Upgrade to William Griffin would kill field hockey, say advocates

Community bulletin board

Learn to Fish Program: The Freshwater Fisheries Society of BC will offer classes for families every Sunday (excluding July 1) until Aug. 19 from 10 a.m. to noon at Rice Lake in the Lower Seymour Conservation Reserve, North Vancouver.

District mulls change to lanes on Keith

Staff argue change could boost driver and cyclist safety

West Vancouver killers lose U.S. appeal

Court upholds first-degree murder conviction in horrific 1994 triple homicide

Hit wall wall

The newest trend in gardening goes up, rather than out

Out door living

"You can connect a living wall to rainwater harvesting," Poiraud says, discussing methods to further reduce a home's ecological footprint.

OPINION: Deadlines a tool for government bullies

"By cataloguing a diverse range of ways for professionals to act - GovTogetherBC will make it possible for governments and citizens to collaborate and innovate to get things done. Every government should follow this lead.

Kids' stuff

Baby Storytime: Free drop-in for children ages two and younger, Thursdays, 10: 1510: 45 a.m. at the North Vancouver City Library, 120 West 14th St. Info: www.nvcl. ca.