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Top tips often come from friends

I find the best home ideas always come from friends and family. It seems there are all kinds of ways to shrewdly store our household items these days.

Spring set to welcome rufous hummingbirds

SIGNS of spring are all about the North Shore, from the golden blooms of skunk cabbage, or swamp lantern, to the delicate pink of salmonberry flowers, and the hot pink of redflowering currant.

Plant selection trumps size

Gardeners may differ in opinion from survey

Time to test new tools

IT is time to put all my theories to the test. Well, perhaps not all. I don't quite know how to test my theory that sharks will not eat politicians out of professional courtesy. However, many of my theories are about to be put to the test.

Kids' stuff

Double Take: Presentation House Gallery will hold a photography contest designed to inspire and encourage youth. Students are requested to choose an older image and show how the same place, person, object or building has changed over time.

Food calendar

Finny Fun - Poisson d'Avril: A month-long celebration of all things 'fish' at both Provence Restaurants - Marinaside, 1177 Marinaside Cres., Vancouver and Mediterranean Grill, 4473 West 10th Ave., Vancouver.

What's going on for seniors

Ladies Golf Group: New members are invited to join this seniors group that plays Wednesdays at 9 a.m. from April to September at Murdo Frazer Par 3 Golf Course, 2700 Pemberton Ave., North Vancouver. Cost: $20 membership fee and $5.50 per game.

Wartime pilot flies high with craft

KEN McClelland reaches into the bag beside him and pulls out one carving of a bird after another. From the angle of the head to the detail of every tiny feather, he has brought each wooden bird to vivid life.

Alsace brings spring

IT doesn't take long for spring's arrival to steer our palates to things white and fresh. All the more reason to take note of the current Alsace promotion at BC Liquor stores, through April.

Socialization during puppyhood is crucial

"I'M getting a puppy!" a friend said with much excitement. "What is the first thing I should do?" she asked "Socialize it!" I replied.