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In the Community


The North Shore Girls Soccer Academy put cans of food to use as pylons in a dribbling exercise Friday before adding it to the 27 boxes of food donated to the Harvest Project and Quest Food Exchange.

Holiday happenings

Christmas Bureau Urgently Needs Sponsors: Over 100 low income families, including children and seniors who rely on the generosity of the community families at Christmas and throughout the year do not have sponsors this year.

Community bulletin board

Author Reading: The second instalment of North Vancouver City Library's local author series will take place Wednesday, Dec. 14, doors open at 6: 30 p.m. for refreshments and the program begins at 7 p.m. at 120 West 14th St.
The Clay Event

The Clay Event

Spanish style

Emily Wang (left), Ali Henderson, Yasamin Jamalian and Katie Ritchie rehearse a flamenco dance for the upcoming Anna Wyman School of Dance Arts' Winter Concert Saturday, Dec. 10 at Centennial Theatre. There is a matinee at 2 p.m.

Going to the dogs

Dog walker Lisa Brasso (left), Taz the Australian shepherd and dog walker Micki Ashurst encourage the pet-loving public to donate to the seventh annual Dog Handlers Christmas Pet Food and Supplies Drive.

Young artist of the week

VERA BULOWSKI, 9, MONTROYAL ELEMENTARY Art teacher: Catherine Saltzberg Favourite art: abstract art Favourite artist: Vincent Van Gogh Her teacher writes: Vera is developing a strong interest in art.

NV artists awarded for excellence in design

TWO North Vancouver residents were among five B.C. artists who were recently awarded Carter Wosk B.C. Creative Achievement Awards for Applied Art and Design.

Event Listings

DECEMBER 2011 DECEMBER 2 . Park & Tilford Garden Light-up Celebrate the start of the season with the annual light up of over 50,000 lights. Bring your whole family to our Celebration from 7-9 p.m.

Lights up

A couple take in a test of the Christmas light display at Capilano Suspension Bridge. The lights are on for the holidays starting today until Jan. 1, 5-9 p.m.