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In the Community

Young Artist of the week: Claire Duhamel

Art teacher: Laurie Reichert Favourite art: pencil and pencil crayon Favourite artist: Vincent van Gogh Her teacher writes: Claire enjoys working with a variety of materials and colours. Her work is thoughtful and precise.
Celebrations - July 2, 2013

Celebrations - July 2, 2013

L'ecole est finie

Jubilant Grade 7 students storm from Ecole Cedardale elementary in West Vancouver to celebrate two months of sunshine and forgetting. Many of them will complain of being bored tomorrow.

Flying right

Col. Jim Happer talks with cadets of 103 Thunderbird Squadron Royal Canadian Air Cadets during the squadron's 65th annual ceremonial review held June 15 at the J.P. Fell Armoury in North Vancouver. Scan photo with Layar app for video footage.

Water course

More than 1,500 participants wore blue or painted their faces blue while they "flooded" the Grouse Grind Sunday in Whistler Water's inaugural One Climb

Ignorance is bliss

A man enjoys the view across the Inlet from Cates Park in North Vancouver, completely unaware of the black bear behind him.

Bang on

Preschoolers Jayden Moon and June Chen parade the hallways of Westview elementary Thursday with their home-made drums as part of the school's Aboriginal Day Festival. Scan with Layar for more photos.
News around the world - June 23, 2013

News around the world - June 23, 2013

Young artist of the week: Akiko Mulder

AKIKO MULDER, 8, WESTVIEW ELEMENTARY Art teachers: Suzanne Seward and Tracey Chapman Favourite art: sketching Favourite artist: Vincent van Gogh Her teachers write: Akiko's passion for art is demonstrated in her careful attention to design and compos
News around the world - June 16, 2013

News around the world - June 16, 2013