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Art failure

Art failure

NOBODY plans to fail, as the saying goes, but lots of people fail to plan. There are lots of people in charge of arts organizations in B.C.
Stupid editorial no real answer

Stupid editorial no real answer

Dear Editor: Regarding your Dec. 11 editorial, Forked Tongue: Wow! It is Mr. Harper's fault that Attawaspiskat residents are living in tents and shacks with no heat and electricity. I well remember Mr.
No sympathy for the sauced

No sympathy for the sauced

Dear Editor: I have little sympathy for Justin De Genova's inability to get around the city for work (90-Day Ban Appealed, Dec.
Roads without eyes leave drivers blind

Roads without eyes leave drivers blind

Dear Editor: Regarding the recent letter from Fred Bruhn (Traffic Calming Not Safe, Dec. 28, North Shore News), I am in agreement with him on all points about the circle at Garden Avenue and Hope Road.
Class inaction

Class inaction

AN average Canadian took home just under $45,000 in earnings in 2010, according to a new report from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. Meanwhile, our 100 most well-to-do compatriots banked an average of $8.
DNV needs tax-calming measures

DNV needs tax-calming measures

Dear Editor: The District of North Vancouver's proposal to charge residents of a specific area for local improvement projects such as traffic calming is nothing more than a new attempt to increase property taxes (DNV May Alter Traffic Calming Process
Tennis court removal a net loss for WV

Tennis court removal a net loss for WV

Dear Editor: West Vancouver council's recent decision to tear up tennis courts near the community centre is a classic case of taking paradise and putting up a parking lot (WV Courts Become Parking Lot, Dec. 16, North Shore News).
Canada needs fare treatment

Canada needs fare treatment

Dear Editor: I read your article in the Dec. 23 edition of the North Shore News (Airline Fare Advertising Rules to Change in 2012). Unfortunately the Canadian media are missing a much bigger issue when it comes to fare pricing.
DNV water rates applied unfairly

DNV water rates applied unfairly

Open letter to District of North Vancouver council: My family was dismayed to read in the North Shore News that the price of water and sewer service is going to go up about 10 per cent next year.
If this is traffic planning, it makes no sense

If this is traffic planning, it makes no sense

Dear Editor: This is in response to Brad Braun's Dec. 14 letter Density+Traffic+Calming=Catatonia: On Second Street residents pay $20 a year to park in their neighbourhood. Meanwhile, if you go up to Fifth Street you can park there all day for free.