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Two bridges too far

Two bridges too far

RESIDENTS of the North Shore, and in fact of cities all over North America, should pay attention as Vancouver moves closer to tearing down the vestiges of its highway system.
Learning to walk

Learning to walk

Dear Pedestrians: I don't want to have to honk my horn at you when you wander out in front of me mid-block. And judging by your finger gesture, you don't like being honked at.
HIV plan tests only patience

HIV plan tests only patience

Dear Editor: Regarding your editorial of July 22 "Blood Simple," advocating universal HIV testing, I had to check the calendar. No, it was not April 1.
Bike lane a bad plan, says cyclist

Bike lane a bad plan, says cyclist

Dear Editor: As a resident of the Keith Road hill area (at Shavington) I strongly disagree with Anita Leonhard's recent letter criticizing the District of North Vancouver's decision not give up a Keith Road vehicle lane to bikes (Keith a Council Fail
To bikers: be there with bells on

To bikers: be there with bells on

Dear Editor: "Knock, knock." "Who's there?" "Isobel." "Isobel who?" "Is a bell necessary on a bicycle?" Yes. We stroll down the Mosquito Creek trail every day, and often we're nearly run over by bikers.
History not so simple

History not so simple

Dear Editor: Although I can't say whether or not the chances of a labour dispute between the B.C. Teachers' Federation and the B.C.
Muni pay editorial on the money

Muni pay editorial on the money

Dear Editor: Good to see your civil service editorial on top municipal salaries in the July 20 edition, together with the front-page story in your July 18 edition on the same topic (Municipal Brass See Pay Balloon, North Shore News).
Piping up

Piping up

Premier Christy Clark has drawn a line in the sand in the increasingly contentious debate over the Northern Gateway pipeline.
On wages, who will manage the managers?

On wages, who will manage the managers?

Dear Editor: As a former councillor for the district of North Vancouver, I was unsurprised that pay scales were high, but I was startled that they are so high (Municipal Brass See Pay Balloon, July 18, North Shore News) It is unfortunately true that
B.C. must protect its liquid assets

B.C. must protect its liquid assets

Dear Editor: I strongly agree with Keith Baldrey's July 20 column in the North Shore News (Dying Gov't Should Lay Off the Booze). The B.C. Liberal government should lay off the booze, but it won't, no matter how large the outcry.