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Not so crazy: Use oil to clean up inlet

Not so crazy: Use oil to clean up inlet

Dear Editor: The stories on Page 3 of your July 25 edition prompted a crazy idea for funding an upgrade to the Lions Gate Wastewater Treatment Plant.
Time to raise stink over skunk traps

Time to raise stink over skunk traps

Dear Editor: The skunk featured in your July 25 edition is not the only one to get into trouble with a discarded dome lid on the North Shore (Hapless NV Skunk Highlights Wildlife Issue, North Shore News) Late last Wednesday night, I heard a noise nea
On no account

On no account

The decision by the committee that oversees the legislature's muddled books to hold public meetings is a baby step on the long road to restoring public confidence in Victoria's accounting. It needs to go much, much further. Last week, B.C.
A pledge to John Weston

A pledge to John Weston

Dear Editor: MP John Weston poses a disingenuous question in his recent letter to the North Shore News regarding the environment and the transport of oil (Oil, Environment Can Be on Same Team, July 29): "How many of us, right now, are taking signific
OPINION: Bad bookkeepers will face a reckoning

OPINION: Bad bookkeepers will face a reckoning

"If the summary financial statements were prepared fully in accordance with Canadian public-sector accounting standards, the recorded deficit for the year would have been $520 million higher." B.C.
You said it

You said it

"Instead of increasing the number of MPs, they should cut two-thirds of them and do away with that gold-plated pension and put the money towards infrastructure.
Car opponents would see impoverished dystopia

Car opponents would see impoverished dystopia

Dear Editor: The City of Vancouver said recently it wants our ideas to get drivers out of cars. Are they serious? The city is loaded with tax-paying businesses that sell merchandise to consumers.
Oil, environment can be on same team

Oil, environment can be on same team

Dear Editor: Regarding your July 15 story, Crude Awakening, on B.
Standing wave

Standing wave

Figures released recently by Statistics Canada should put to rest the idea that an out-ofcontrol crime wave is sweeping the country. As in recent years, the numbers show that crime is down - way down - to its lowest point in decades.
Inquiring Reporter: Which event will you be watching the 2012 Summer Olympics?

Inquiring Reporter: Which event will you be watching the 2012 Summer Olympics?

The Opening Ceremonies for the 2012 Summer Olympics in London kick off Friday, marking the beginning of the two-week international event that will see 10 North Shore athletes vying for a place on the podium.