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Clark should resign over his racist comment

Dear Editor: It was not without shock and disgust that I read Brent Richter's May 8 story chronicling the vulgar, hateful and ultimately racist comments of elected council member Rod Clark.

Dear Editor:

It was not without shock and disgust that I read Brent Richter's May 8 story chronicling the vulgar, hateful and ultimately racist comments of elected council member Rod Clark. I have been a resident of the North Shore for 25 years and consider it to be a beautiful environment with accepting political views on both sides of the Capilano River. Upon reading about Mr. Clark's comments, I can no longer hold this point of view of our community.

Being of Jewish decent I feel particularly horrified by Mr. Clark's old fashioned comments that represent an uneducated and fearful past. What I find most concerning about the events that transpired are two fold: Firstly, that Mr. Clark, upon being notified of his racist gaffe, did not acknowledge it and accept his error. He, in fact, defended it and further attacked the mayor for attempting to point out his folly. Lastly, Mr. Clark is an elected council member, elected in order to represent the people of the City of North Vancouver. I assure you that those voters did not usher in Mr. Clark for his ability to proliferate racist language in our community.

It is my opinion, and I'm sure I am not alone, that Mr. Clark should apologize and tender his resignation immediately. It is only when that occurs that we may feel secure that the leaders of our community are not using that power to corrupt and poison the next generation.

Eric Pezim, North Vancouver (Editor: Coun. Rod Clark apologized via the media for his comment the day after the council meeting.)