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Horoscope 2014: A look at the year ahead

2014 begins and ends with Venus in Capricorn - and a whole lot of living in between. Calling for a serious re-evaluation of debt, relationships, personal goals, professional ambitions, and the system's failings, Venus travels in retrograde to Jan.
Sagittarius — take some time to figure out what it is you really want, says astrologer Rose Marcus

2014 begins and ends with Venus in Capricorn - and a whole lot of living in between.

Calling for a serious re-evaluation of debt, relationships, personal goals, professional ambitions, and the system's failings, Venus travels in retrograde to Jan. 31. Venus pushes forward from Feb. 1 through the beginning of March. Even so, don't expect the Canadian senate scandal or the US government's money woes to fade away.

Just when you think you have it all worked out, February delivers Mercury retrograde. Beginning in Pisces on Feb. 6 and backing into Aquarius for the second half of the month, remember to add extra safeguards. Unless the intention is temporary, interim, or to liberate yourself from a negative situation, it isn't the best time to lock into a major commitment or course of action. This cycle is always an optimum time to revisit, revise, or redo.

Due to its retrograde cycle from the start of March through late May, Mars spends not six weeks, but seven months in the sign of Libra. To the plus, we are given extra time to break new ground regarding affairs of the heart or wallet. To the negative, a relationship, money, or legal conflict can drag out.

Mars in Libra turns up the heat on matters to do with partnership, marriage, romance, alliances, social involvements, social causes, cooperative ventures, relationship dependency or enmeshments. Watch for new trends to catch a particularly strong wind. Activating the radical Uranus/Pluto transit through the spring, Mars keeps the fight for justice and rights going strong. Expect more social unrest and larger protests, perhaps a revolt or a revolution, especially in April. The weather and money markets are likely to be more volatile through the spring too. Jupiter in Cancer greatly increases the need and the emotional tides.

Jupiter's advance into Leo in late July increases hope, optimism and opportunity. It can boost success ratios for fire signs, and for creative endeavours, but even so we'll clock a few more years before we are out of the recession danger zone.

ARIES (March 21 -April 19)

It's not a possibility, it's a probability. Your life will do a 180 turn in 2014. Get set for a year of extreme change. This will be especially so if your birthday falls on or just before April 14 through April 19. If you are born in the first week of April, you can also expect for life to push you into something new.

Through the beginning of March, Venus in Capricorn calls for a major restructuring of priorities, commitments, ambitions and goals, especially those involving your career,

material, mentoring and/or parenting status. The month of January is best used to take a step back and to figure out what's most important. March through late May catapults your social, financial, relationship or professional status.

Through the first half of the year, Jupiter in Cancer keeps the focus on home, family and real estate matters. For the second half, Jupiter in Leo shines a brighter light on love, creativity, children and material gain.

TAURUS (April 20 -May 20)

Time is moving forward and so are you. As Venus, your ruler, moves through Capricorn, you'll gain a clearer, more obvious sense of direction. You know what's necessary. Venus retrograde calls for you to take stock and to strengthen from within. Consider January as your build-up-toit month.

While Venus in Capricorn can be a confidence builder, Mars in Libra makes you aware of the work, correction and healing that is still needed. Yes, you have a long haul ahead of you. In fact, you are slated for extra sweat through the end of 2015. Don't look at that as a sentencing. After all, you want more, don't you? It's up to you to enhance your odds. Those of you born on or around April 20/21, or April 28 can look forward to a dynamic year ahead.

Ambition is well placed, especially in the first quarter of 2014. You'll gain tremendously, especially in the last quarter of the year.

GEMINI (May 21 -June 21)

The new year's start is a natural time for personal reassessment. Venus retrograde in Capricorn to Jan. 31 helps you to do just that. Are you on track health, wealth and relationship wise? Is your career shaping up? You may not know for sure where you are heading, but that's not the place to start. Rather, put the focus on asking yourself this question - what do you really want? If you can't answer that question, then ask yourself another - what don't you want? It is wise to take your time while Venus tenants Capricorn, to let the answers naturally take shape. Once you get that part of the equation sorted out, the next question is - how deeply are you willing to commit to the change or upgrade you so desire? Mars in Libra gifts you with great fuel for the first seven months of the year. This influence signals a forward thrust time for creativity, professional pursuits and romance. It benefits matters to do with children too.

CANCER (June 22 -July 22)

Jupiter, the planet of increase and expansion, continues in Cancer through the middle of July. This transit places you at one starting gate or the other. Either you'll feel that you are a far distance from your heart's desires, or you'll feel that you are well supported by circumstances, that great potentials are shaping up and that you are travelling along a positive growth curve. Either way, watch for 2014, and especially for springtime, to challenge you, your home, family, or professional life.

Through January, Venus in Capricorn will build a thicker wall or take one down. March through the middle of July gets you better clued in and on target.

July and August keeps you in a good flow and moving along thanks to Mars in Scorpio. Jupiter leaves Cancer at that time, but you'll gain even more from Jupiter's one year stay in Leo, especially in the areas of finances, creative endeavours and matters of heart.

LEO (July 23 -Aug. 22)

Better organization and dedicated effort puts you on the instant win/win. Through January, Venus retrograde calls for you to reassess your practice, routine, goal or time-table. February's Mercury retrograde can put you back in the game in some way, especially in the second half of the month, but remember the cycle is best used for revisions and revisits rather than a completely fresh start.

March through May puts the spotlight on contracts, investments, collaborations and co-operative projects, also on a partnership or key relationship (friend, sibling, colleague, agent, competitor or lover). It's an optimum time to revamp your social profile, financial portfolio, marketing program, or education track.

The first half of the year sets you up for the second half. Jupiter's advance into Leo in the middle of July brings more abundance your way. Life and love can hit a happy abundance track. July to October can be a major take flight time regarding career and creative endeavours, relationships, travel, or personal recognition.

VIRGO (Aug. 23 -Sept. 22)

Use January to drown out the negative inner chatter or self-doubt and to get yourself better focused. Occupying one of the best, most fortuitous positions of your chart, Venus in Capricorn builds your confidence and creativity. As Venus refortifies your sense of 'I deserve' you'll find you naturally aim for worthier goals, battles, and involvements. Learn to love, honour, and respect yourself more, and you'll find that others will give you more of the good stuff too.

Venus will move on in March, but Mars in Libra keeps the good momentum going strong through July. This Mars transit can also help you to discover new money-making avenues.

Through the middle of July, Jupiter in Cancer can help you develop a more satisfying social or family life. It can also bring you or your business greater public exposure.

Increasing luck and opportunity where you desire it the most, Jupiter in Leo, starting mid July can spark romance or a creative wellspring.

LIBRA (Sept. 22 -Oct. 22)

Don't expect for life to sit you on the side-line. 2014 thrusts you into the thick of it, especially so through July, thanks to action planet Mars on an extended visit to Libra. Mars loans you added energy, guts and drive. If you want it - or it riles you - you'll hit the gas pedal. Consider this a good thing. Mars wants you to get involved, to put your all into it. When something or someone new shows up, it will be an instant hit or miss. Whether it is you, it, or them in action, there will be no time wasted.

January is an ideal time to take a vacation or work on a home renovation project. The start of the year also puts a more serious spin on personal, family, and professional priorities, responsibilities, real estate matters, debt and wealth management. Venus retrograde gives you a little extra time to get organized, to build up to it and/or feel your way along, but time is short. By April, you'll hit fire-on-all-cylinders time.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23 -Nov. 22)

Through the beginning of March, Venus in Capricorn puts the attention on a specific plan, project, or involvement. Polish up your resume, website, professional image or social profile. Work toward accreditation or an official status. The cost, fee or investment can be substantial, but the money is well worth it. While it is wise, perhaps even necessary, to be budget conscious, don't scrimp on quality. You get what you pay for.

Use January to research, assess or to re-visit a contract. The first few weeks are also ideal for taking time out before you hit it full steam ahead. February's Mercury retrograde can put you back into a social swing, or back in touch with clients and business contacts.

Watch for new, perhaps sudden, developments and opportunities in the spring. There can be dramatic shifts regarding work, health or a key relationship status.

Bringing you to a major finish line or next phase, late August to mid October delivers the peak of your year. The eclipse on Oct. 23 can be especially profitable or potent, especially so if your birthday falls on or nearby.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 -Dec. 21)

Take extra time in this first two weeks of January to decide what you really want for yourself. Through the beginning of March, Venus in Capricorn can enhance your assets, your resourcefulness and earnings. Of course, you are likely to spend more too. Be especially careful regarding contract and commitment details during February's Mercury retrograde.

Over the next seven months, Mars in Libra helps you to make good strides in several areas. Firstly, you are getting wiser regarding self care. A big part of this is learning to stay committed to that which serves you best. Secondly, whether it's new or well established, a key relationship will grow by leaps and bounds. Thirdly, Mars can spark new personal interests and income streams. It perks up your social life or community involvement, and keeps you intellectually, politically and creatively well stimulated. Lastly, Mars enhances your professional status and popularity.

Look to Jupiter in Leo, starting mid July, to springboard off the good that Mars does you in the first half of the year.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22 -Jan. 19) Through the start of March, Venus in Capricorn makes you the chosen one. Want it or not, the attraction planet puts you on the receiving end of bounty and attention. Of course it's up to you to run with the ball. Make yourself look and feel good, better, best. Enhancements will net a significant pay-off. Start a weight loss program, upgrade your appearance or media profile; add a new credential to your name.

Through July, Mars in Libra keeps you especially goal driven. A specific project, contract or relationship matter can consume you. One thing dovetails on another. The spring and summer is an important threshold crossing time. By the end of August, you'll move through the turn-stile that divides yesterday from tomorrow. You can't go back, nor will you want to. Your future awaits. Whether freshly single, in love, on a financial cash-in, or making your way in the world in some other significant way, Jupiter's one year tour of Leo, beginning in August makes you feel glad to be you.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20 -Feb. 18) You have more brewing that most would realize. In fact, you may not know all of it yourself. Venus, Saturn and Jupiter suggest a major work or business opportunity is barrelling down the pike. A change of status can also occur in the relationship or family arena. Health is another area to watch.

Fresh impetus will be found in steady supply. Spending the first seven months of the year providing you with great fuel, Mars in Libra lights up one of the best areas of your chart. Romance, marriage, children, creativity, luck, career or entrepreneurial success, public and social popularity, collaborative projects, speculative ventures, and trend setting are featured by this Mars transit. March through May, Mars retrograde can necessitate a different approach, or perspective or alternate choice.

The planetary activation peaks of your year occur in April, mid to end of August, and end of September through October.

PISCES (Feb. 19 -March 20) On a personal, creative, and resourceful note, you have a lot going for you. The combination of Neptune, Jupiter and

Saturn in complementary water signs keep you in a great flow. Your best play is to allow for circumstances to move along their natural pace and take your clues from there.

While Venus tours Capricorn, you'll gain a more definitive sense of how the future is shaping up and what is most worth your time, money and heart. Even so, watch for more twists, surprise opportunity, or sudden turns on the road ahead, especially March through May.

For the first seven months, Mars in Libra keeps you at one end or the other of the relationship spectrum. From the middle of July through the middle of August, Venus and Mars, the relationship duo, are nicely harmonized.

In the first half of the year, Jupiter in Cancer increases the attention on nurturing and support as well as family. In the second half of the year, Jupiter in Leo puts more attention on creative enterprise. Love, money, notoriety, success - go for more and you'll get it too.


Join Rose Marcus at the Vancouver Planetarium for a special Valentine's Day presentation. Email rose_ [email protected] or visit the astrologer's website for event info or private consultations: