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Local News

What's going on for seniors

NOTICES Functional Fitness. A program for ages 50 plus will start Monday, Oct. 22, 10: 3011: 30 a.m. at John Braithwaite Community Centre, 145 West First St., North Vancouver.

Getting Liftoff from Flying Wedge Pizza

Did you know that there is a significant unemployment rate amongst people with disabilities? This is largely due to misconceptions and lack of information. People with disabilities can and do want to work.

Bike 'rescuer' arrested again

The former head of the dissolved Bike Rescue organization has been charged with trafficking stolen property after police, acting on a tip from North Vancouver, seized some $20,000 worth of high-end bicycles from his home and storage locker.

Wintering plants

Protecting garden plants from cold and snow

Light recycling

Starting in October, Vancouver now has Canada's first comprehensive program to recycle all lighting products without charge

Oil spill in creek came from Hydro transformers

CLEANUP crews rushed to the West Vancouver waterfront this week after some 300 litres of oil spilled from downed transformers into a waterway connected to Ambleside Park.

Home Sharing = Life Sharing

Emma and Jeff live in home sharing with Laura and her family.
Looking for new blood

Looking for new blood

WITH its maze of hallways and waiting rooms, it's easy to get lost in North Vancouver's Lions Gate Hospital. That's why two Lions Gate Hospital Auxiliary members staff an information desk near the main entrance.

Must Haves At Home

WARM&COSY When the winter cold rolls in it's time for a warm-up

Cruising with a wingperson and a prayer

ARE you a lonely singleton? If so, have you considered hiring a wingperson? Articles and reports keep telling us that feeling sadly alone is a big problem in Vancouver, especially for singles.