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Sip wisely this summer season

IT'S official, summer is finally here - the kiddies are out of school, the sun is shining and as a bonus it's actually hot outside.


GALLERIES Argyle Avenue: 1400-1600 block, West Vancouver. Harmony Arts Festival - Art Market: A line-up of over 80 artists and artisans selected by a jury team will take over Argyle Avenue Aug. 2, 2-9 p.m. and Aug. 3-5, 9, 10 and 11, 11 a.m. -9 p.m.

City to mull report on density bonusing

Greater certainty on practice would benefit city - consultants

Inquiring reporter

Would more bike lanes make you want to use a bike more?

Roots of design in the modern world

American Modernism by R. Roger Remington, Laurence King Publishing, 192 pages, $22.95. The simplicity and geometric lines of Modernism in graphic design was a rejection of the Victorian era with its embellishments and excessive details.

Tsleil-Waututh host activist festival

Day-long music and political event to oppose pipeline plan

New EV stations charged

Electric cars can power up in NV City

$20 million Bridge project to start in fall

Lane closures coming as Second Narrows sidewalks are replaced

Ethnic memo scandal matters more to Dix

DO political scandals really matter when all is said and done? It's a fair and relevant question to pose after the surprise result of the May provincial election. The B.C.

5 things to do this weekend

1. Salish Sea Summer Gathering: Tsleil Waututh Nation Sacred Trust concert (featuring 10 acts and 10 speakers) at Whey-ahwichen (Cates Park) July 27. Gates open at noon. 2.