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Thieves take appliances from homes being built

THAT WASN'T THE MAYTAG REPAIRMAN. North Vancouver RCMP are warning the public to keep an eye on neighbouring properties after thieves recently stole high-end appliances from three homes under construction.


North Vancouver RCMP are warning the public to keep an eye on neighbouring properties after thieves recently stole high-end appliances from three homes under construction.

Two homes in North Vancouver were hit over the weekend, on East Kings Road and Burnage Road, said Cpl. Richard De Jong, spokesman for the North Vancouver RCMP.

Appliance thieves forced their way into the homes, which were locked but not occupied, and made off with two fridges, two stoves, one dishwasher and one washer-dryer set.

A security camera and monitor was also stolen.

In one of the homes, thieves did extensive damage to the new hardwood floor when they dragged the heavy appliances from the kitchen to the garage.

The latest thefts come about 10 days after another similar appliance heist in North Vancouver where two stoves, a fridge dishwasher, and washer and dryer were taken.

Police put the value of the stolen appliances at about $15,000.

De Jong said investigators aren't sure if the heists are connected.

The North Shore was hit with a similar wave of appliance thefts last fall.

The culprits would have had to use a truck or van to haul the goods away.

De Jong warned stolen appliances are often sold for a fraction of their value on sites like Craigslist and on social media.

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