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Real Housewives gets a makeover

Show's producers billing newest North Shore 'wife' as a sex-addict

LIKE tabby cats returning to an alley to rumble over the last bowl of milk, the The Real Housewives of Vancouver are back for a second season premiering Feb. 5.

Amid the Louis Vuitton, vitriol, Botox and backstabbing is new cast member Amanda Hansen.

For trash television aficionados hoping for less alcohol and more sex in the second instalment of Slice TV's top-rated show, the sober North Shore resident may be just what your remote controls have been surfing for. Hansen is a recovering alcoholic and a self-confessed sex addict, according to a release from the show.

A mother of three, Hansen lives the sort of privileged lifestyle where Coach is something you carry and not an airplane seating designation. The short-tempered cast member also has three children and a "gorgeous" long-distance boyfriend named Kyle, according to the release.

The first season featured hurt feelings and hard drinking, but the second season may be different according to housewife Ronnie Negus. "I'd kind of try and go in and clean up the mess that was created in the first season," she said in an interview with Look magazine last fall when discussing the possibility of going in for one more close-up.

At least one of the housewives is identified as a toxic backstabber in a commercial for the upcoming season.

Hansen, a recent divorcee, has an honest and outspoken nature, according to the release. "She believes that honesty is always the best policy. As a result, Amanda is quick to call people out on their lies and bad behavior - a trait which earns her a lot of respect . . . and enemies!" the release shouts.

Hansen's Twitter feed features of a photo of her puppy, which she recently dyed pink, as well as a pistol with a pink, Hello Kitty grip.

Negus, Mary Zilba, and former West Vancouver resident Jody Claman are all back for splendour and scandal this spring.

Negus and Claman have each discussed the nature of reality in the reality TV show. "It is highly edited. So edited that for me it's a brand new show," Negus said.

"Those tears are not fake. That laughter is not fake. You can't create that drama," Claman said.

The Real Housewives franchise was launched in 2006. Since beginning in Orange County, the show has branched out to include similarly decadent packs of wealthy women in several U.S. cities.

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