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Plan ahead for a safe Halloween night

Halloween. It used to be so simple. For children, it's a wonderful holiday quite unlike any other. They get to be out after dark, dress in outfits, go from house to house and collect goodies. It's strange, slightly scary, spooky, exciting and fun.

Halloween. It used to be so simple.

For children, it's a wonderful holiday quite unlike any other. They get to be out after dark, dress in outfits, go from house to house and collect goodies. It's strange, slightly scary, spooky, exciting and fun. For parents, Halloween has become a frightening ritual. We're nervous about stranger abduction, traffic and the safety of the goodies our children are receiving. But, if we just do some planning, it can be safe and fun for both kids and their parents. Halloween is unique and should be a positive experience for our children. Sometimes we work too hard to make it totally safe and in doing so we take away the specialness of the holiday.

Costumes: Make sure that the costume is comfortable and easy to move around in. Children will not be walking sedately; they will often be running, so consider that when you plan their clothing. It's dark outside, so have them wear costumes that are a light colour or use reflective tape. The more visible your child is, the safer he will be. October weather can be cold, so design his costume so that it's large enough to accommodate warm clothing underneath. That can be a challenge if your little princess is also going to an indoor party, but a pretty, flimsy dress without a coat just isn't going to work in October. Comfortable walking shoes are a must. If they need boots, ensure that they are ones that will be comfortable all evening.

And it's a good idea to use makeup instead of masks so they can see more easily. If they wear a mask, have them put it on only when they get to the door and remove it as they leave for the next house.

Kids Who Go Out Alone: Young children are happy to have their parents walk with them. Slightly older children (six to eight) will accept their parents' company as long as it's subtle. That means you stay on the sidewalk and don't go to the door. Let them walk in front of you with their friends or siblings. By nine or 10 years they want parents to stay home. If they are already experienced walking in the neighbourhood by going to school, the homes of friends or the local store, this is easier.

You won't want her to go out alone. So have her plan to go with friends you trust. Then talk to the other parents so the children they are out with have the same limits and expectations. It's much too confusing when it's different for each child. Jennifer's mom says they can go six blocks in each direction but Madison's folks say they can only go east and west but the streets to the north are too busy. Which rules will the kids follow?

So plan a route with the group of kids and their parents. Take into account the blocks you consider are most likely to be welcoming to kids. Let them know they should only approach houses with outside lights turned on.

I think it's a great idea to plan a route that has the children check in at one of their homes part way through their walk. You can check their candy, they can warm up and gab excitedly about the experience so far and use the bathroom. One advantage we have with today's kids is that at least one of them will have a phone so you know that if they have a problem they can call, and being that they are in your neighbourhood they won't be far away.

The Biggest Source of Danger: Fireworks and firecrackers are a major problem. In the first place, children do not understand that they do burn. They treat them as toys and they are not. They take them apart and put the gunpowder into pipes, creating dangerous weapons. Make sure you talk to your kids about the dangers associated with firecrackers. If you are going to be setting off fireworks for the kids, take all the necessary precautions and ensure that your kids see how careful you are. When they see that you respect the dangers and are careful, they will understand the need for care.

Once you have prepared your kids for a safe holiday, relax and enjoy this one night of magic and mystery.

Kathy Lynn is a professional speaker and author. Read more at