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Late call, no boots complicate rescue

Lost in the dark and mildly hypothermic, two hikers had to be escorted out of the North Shore backcountry overnight Sunday after becoming lost on the way to Eslay Lake. The 9-1-1 call came in around 9 p.m.

Lost in the dark and mildly hypothermic, two hikers had to be escorted out of the North Shore backcountry overnight Sunday after becoming lost on the way to Eslay Lake.

The 9-1-1 call came in around 9 p.m., hours after the men realized they were lost and after most of their cellphone battery life was depleted, according to Tim Jones, North Shore Rescue team leader.

Despite the very little information they had to go on, volunteers found the lost men, both 21, near Runner Peak north of Mount Seymour at around 3:30 a.m. and started hiking them out.

The two were badly equipped and rescuers had to send in a second team to bring in extra hiking boots.

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