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Designers stay true to their vision

Natural Architecture Now by Francesca Tatarella. Princeton Architectural Press, 222, pages, $47.95.

Natural Architecture Now by Francesca Tatarella. Princeton Architectural Press, 222, pages, $47.95.

Fifty projects from around the world share a vision of how architecture can connect people and nature while staying true to the designer's artistic vision. The designers work in natural materials, often site specific, and create structures that will blend in with the environment or in the urban settings, offer a respite from the concrete and glass world that is their backdrop.

Porky Hefer has created giant nests in South Africa that mimic the natural surroundings so well they can be used as blinds to observe wildlife. Marco Casagrande has constructed on the dunes of Belgium's Wenduine coastline a massive, 45 metre-long Sandworm, which offers shelter from the sun and wind while evoking a natural cathedral setting inside. Big Bambu is an evolving sculpture created by Doug and Mike Starn. It has taken the shape of a giant wave that overlooked Central Park, later it was moved to Venice where it took the shape of a spiraling tower that continued to grow throughout the length of the exhibition.

Each installation is presented through a series of colour photographs accompanied by descriptions and comments; some also include artists' drawings.