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Robots square off in funny costume contest

- Robot Zombie Frankenstein by Annette Simon (Somerville, Mass., Candlewick Press) $19 TWO very competitive robots try their hand at one-upmanship in this hilarious romp of a picture book.

- Robot Zombie Frankenstein by Annette Simon (Somerville, Mass., Candlewick Press) $19

TWO very competitive robots try their hand at one-upmanship in this hilarious romp of a picture book.

Robot and Robot, as both are aptly named, start out as smiling pals standing side by side. Suddenly, one robot exits the page leaving behind a surprised friend, only to reappear as (taah daaaah) Robot Zombie. From this point, the race is on to produce the most spectacular costume.

We move through a range of disguises including Frankenstein's monster, a pirate, and a space invader.

As each robot trumps the other, the potential winner is given a huge presence on the double-page spreads. Expressions range from consternation to annoyance to devilish superiority. Finally, both are horrified to discover that they have assumed identical disguises. The small purple robot makes a peace offering of delicious cherry pie and the escalating competition immediately comes to a standstill. Green robot is naturally unable to resist the overture and friendship is restored.

The oversize format allows the robots to stand out against the stark white pages and maximizes the effect of the action. As well, the lack of background and minimal text ensures that the robotic costume changes drive the plot. Both robots are very colourful (no gunmetal gray here).

As an added bonus, the endpapers feature templates for creating your own robot given a colour photocopier and a pair of scissors.

The author's website includes a downloadable activity kit, which includes games and activities based on the book.

Fans of robot stories will adore this book, which reminded the reviewer of the works of Lois Ehlert. Some other picture books and readers with a robot theme are as follows:

- Boy and Bot by Ame Dyckman

- Clink by Kelly S. DiPucchio

- Cookiebot! by Katie Van Camp

- If I had a Robot by Dan Yaccarino

- The Robot Book by Heather Brown

- Robot Zot! by Jon Sciesca

- Rolie Polie Olie by William Joyce

- See Otto by David Milgrim

- The Three Little Aliens and the Big Bad Robot by Margaret McNamara

- Wodney Wat's Wobot by Helen Lester

Fran Ashdown is recently retired from the position of children's librarian at the Capilano branch of the North Vancouver District Library. She would love to meet a robot especially one programmed to do housework. For more information check out your local libraries.