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Workers at 14 Pennsylvania nursing homes go on strike

Ontario's science table members would have advised against scrapping COVID isolation

Ontario's science table members would have advised against scrapping COVID isolation

TORONTO — Members of Ontario's outgoing science table say they would have advised against the province's decision to scrap its mandatory isolation period for COVID-19 if they had been consulted on the move. Chief Medical Officer of Health Dr.
Emergencies Act inquiry will be delayed until October due to commissioner's illness

Emergencies Act inquiry will be delayed until October due to commissioner's illness

OTTAWA — The inquiry into Ottawa's unprecedented use of the Emergencies Act during protests last winter will be delayed until October because of a health issue. The Public Order Emergency Commission was to begin hearings Sept.
EXPLAINER: Should you get a new COVID booster? If so, when?

EXPLAINER: Should you get a new COVID booster? If so, when?

John Wherry will wait until later in the fall to consider getting an updated COVID-19 booster . The University of Pennsylvania immunologist knows it's too soon after his shot late this summer, especially since he's not at high risk from the virus.

Spice linked to food poisoning investigation in Ontario recalled across Canada

The spice implicated in the food poisoning of 12 diners at a Markham, Ont., restaurant has been recalled across Canada. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency said a recall had been issued for Mr.
Remote work debate intensifies as companies mandate return to office after Labour Day

Remote work debate intensifies as companies mandate return to office after Labour Day

A return-to-office showdown is unfolding in Canada and pitting some bosses and workers against each other as the back-to-school season brings with it a renewed push to get employees back into office buildings.
Fighting at 40: Older fans take heart in Serena’s success

Fighting at 40: Older fans take heart in Serena’s success

NEW YORK (AP) — Imagine if they could bottle a potion called “Just Serena.
Accounts differ in unvaccinated Coast Guard cadet departures

Accounts differ in unvaccinated Coast Guard cadet departures

Prosecutor urges forcible medication in clinic shooting

Prosecutor urges forcible medication in clinic shooting

DENVER (AP) — A federal prosecutor urged a judge on Thursday to order that a man charged with killing three people at a Colorado Planned Parenthood clinic in 2015 be forcibly given anti-psychotic medication so his delusions could be quieted at least
CDC endorses updated COVID boosters, shots to begin soon

CDC endorses updated COVID boosters, shots to begin soon

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Thursday endorsed updated COIVD-19 boosters , opening the way for a fall vaccination campaign that could blunt a winter surge if enough Americans roll up their sleeves.