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"The provincial government has structured B.C. Ferries so that it's a money-losing proposition. We're being asked to subsidize that ferry operation." Coun. Craig Cameron objects to a recent move by B.C.

"The provincial government has structured B.C. Ferries so that it's a money-losing proposition. We're being asked to subsidize that ferry operation."

Coun. Craig Cameron objects to a recent move by B.C. Ferries to lower the assessed value of the Horseshoe Bay ferry terminal from $47.7 million to $20 (from a Nov. 7 news story).

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"It's just a stupid evening to be running around at that kind of speed on a road like that. It's just stupid driving."

Cyclist Alex Dumond discusses the driver of the car who clipped his back wheel before colliding with a tree on Westport Road. There were no serious injuries (from a Nov. 7 news story).

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"There was enough division within the United States that it caused me to stand back from afar and wonder if I belonged there anymore."

For Capilano University president Kris Bulcroft, U.S. President Barack Obama's re-election may mean going home again (from a Nov. 9 news story).