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you said it

"The premier threw her a boat anchor.

"The premier threw her a boat anchor."

Former North Vancouver NDP MLA David Schreck discusses North Vancouver-Lonsdale MLA Naomi Yamamoto's appointment as Minister of State for Small Business after she had served as Minister of Advanced Education in the previous cabinet (from a Sept. 7 news story).

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"The difference in speed between you as a cyclist and the other vehicles is just astonishing."

Cyclist Sam Lupton recounts being rear-ended by a car on Keith Road East in a collision that injured him and destroyed his bike and helmet (from a Sept. 5 news story).

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"They took my eye. I still remember (one of the attackers) clearly saying, 'I'm going to pop it like a grape.'"

Ronald Perry, 68, discusses the hammer attack and eye-gouging that earned one of his attackers a conviction for aggravated assault (from a Sept. 2 news story).