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Wireless needs require WV cell towers

Dear Editor: Regarding Coun. Bill Soprovich's reported comments on Roger's proposed cell towers: I write as a person living in one of the "few places in the western region of West Vancouver whose wireless needs are not met.

Dear Editor:

Regarding Coun. Bill Soprovich's reported comments on Roger's proposed cell towers:

I write as a person living in one of the "few places in the western region of West Vancouver whose wireless needs are not met." I am not someone in a basement with an iPad - as he claims the provider referred to - but a person who is trying to exist in today's world with a cellphone. Land lines are obsolete and cellphones are fast becoming the norm, replacing land lines in many cases. This region is poorly served and from the comment made in the article by Rogers saying that the higher regions of West Vancouver may soon be left offline because of Vancouver's overworked cell sites, we had better welcome the cell towers that have been proposed.

Barbara Lacey, West Vancouver