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There are no limits to yellow and blue bags

Dear Editor: I am writing in response to Colleen Dawson's April 6 letter, Yellow Bag Recycling Limits Make No Sense, and the subsequent letters by Judith Brook (April 11) and Catherine MacDonald (April 13) regarding yellow bag recycling limits.

Dear Editor:

I am writing in response to Colleen Dawson's April 6 letter, Yellow Bag Recycling Limits Make No Sense, and the subsequent letters by Judith Brook (April 11) and Catherine MacDonald (April 13) regarding yellow bag recycling limits.

First of all, let me thank all three writers and the other North Shore residents who are avid recyclers and are responsible for the North Shore municipalities having one of the highest solid-waste diversion rates in Metro Vancouver.

We recognize that some weeks residents have more mixed paper than can fit in one yellow bag. For that reason, there are no limits to the number of yellow and blue bags that a resident can have. As Judith Brook mentioned in her letter you can pick up additional yellow and blue bags at a number of North Shore locations or you can email or call us and we will be happy to have one delivered. We would prefer that residents use a second yellow bag for mixed paper rather than putting the paper in a second blue box mainly due to the fact that the blue boxes have to be lifted by the driver up to the hoppers on the trucks and the boxes, when full, are simply too heavy and awkward.

For more information on the North Shore Recycling Program and specifically on ordering additional yellow bags, please go to our website at

Al Lynch, manager, North Shore Recycling Program