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Teachers never had it so good

Dear Editor: I write regarding the B.C. teachers' strike. I have lived in North Vancouver all my life. I went through all 12 grades here. We used to have 40 to 45 students in a single class and there was never a word said about overcrowding.

Dear Editor:

I write regarding the B.C. teachers' strike. I have lived in North Vancouver all my life. I went through all 12 grades here. We used to have 40 to 45 students in a single class and there was never a word said about overcrowding.

We never had computers, never got two weeks off at Easter, we got one week.

We never heard of professional days, and we had a dress code when you attended school. The type of clothing some of the students wear now, would not have been allowed in my public school. Years ago the teachers were a much more friendly bunch than they are now.

If they are so brilliant, have any of the teachers taken a look at the financial sheet of the provincial government. There is no money.

You teachers have never had it so good.

Lorne E. Dennis, North Vancouver