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Sidewalk seemed safer

Dear Editor: I write in regards to Brent Richter's Aug. 19 story headlined 4 Crashes in 2 Hours that indicated there was a cyclist that was hit while riding on the sidewalk on Brooksbank. I am that cyclist.

Dear Editor:

I write in regards to Brent Richter's Aug. 19 story headlined 4 Crashes in 2 Hours that indicated there was a cyclist that was hit while riding on the sidewalk on Brooksbank. I am that cyclist.

That day, I happened to be leaving the North Shore Winter Club and chose the Marine Drive bike lane via Brooksbank. However, as there was a substantial amount of traffic on the road, I thought it would be safer to cycle on the sidewalk as it was not a residential or a commercial area, and more of an industrial area (by the storage locker facility, across from Lions Gate Studios). I did not have any indication that a moving truck would blindly pull out of a driveway, cross the sidewalk and run into me knocking me off my bike and into traffic. I was fortunate, that I did not incur any broken bones or worse - and yes, I was wearing my helmet at the time of the accident.

I was utterly shocked when I was issued a ticket in my hospital bed for cycling on the sidewalk. I took all the necessary precautions, assessing the traffic situation, trying to protect myself from potentially getting hit by a car on Brooksbank and I chose the sidewalk.

I must commend the people who were first on the scene. An offduty fireman who stopped to help out, a lady who came running with a first-aid kit, a gentleman who stopped traffic to ensure the area was safe until the paramedics arrived. What a great community we live in - and it could only be enhanced by adding more bike lanes for safer travel for cyclists.

Karen Koziki, North Vancouver